.gitignore: ignore any __BASEDIR__ symlinks
[girocco.git] / jobd / update.sh
1 #!/bin/sh
3 . @basedir@/shlib.sh
4 . @basedir@/jobd/updategc-util-functions.sh
6 set -e
8 if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
9 echo "Usage: update.sh projname" >&2
10 exit 1
13 # date -R is linux-only, POSIX equivalent is '+%a, %d %b %Y %T %z'
14 datefmt='+%a, %d %b %Y %T %z'
16 git_fetch_q_progress() (
17 _setexport_gitvars
18 if [ "${cfg_max_file_size512:-0}" != "0" ]; then
19 GIT_BIN="'$cfg_basedir/bin/ulimit512' -i -f '$cfg_max_file_size512' -- '$cfg_git_bin'" &&
20 export GIT_BIN
22 PATH="$var_git_exec_path:$cfg_basedir/bin:$PATH"
23 export PATH
24 exec @basedir@/jobd/git-fetch-q-progress.sh "$@"
27 # freshen_loose_objects full-sha ...
28 # if "$n" is a loose object, set its modification time to now
29 # otherwise silently do nothing with no error. To facilitate conversion
30 # of mirror projects to push projects we also add group write permission.
31 freshen_loose_objects() {
32 _list=
33 for _sha; do
34 _fn="${_sha#??}"
35 _shard="${_sha%$_fn}"
36 _list="$_list objects/$_shard/$_fn"
37 done
38 if [ -n "$_list" ]; then
39 chmod ug+w $_list 2>/dev/null || :
40 touch -c $_list 2>/dev/null || :
44 # darcs fast-export | git fast-import with error handling
45 git_darcs_fetch() (
46 set_utf8_locale
47 _err1=
48 _err2=
49 exec 3>&1
50 { read -r _err1 || :; read -r _err2 || :; } <<-EOT
52 exec 4>&3 3>&1 1>&4 4>&-
54 _e1=0
55 "$cfg_basedir"/bin/darcs-fast-export \
56 --export-marks="$(pwd)/dfe-marks" \
57 --import-marks="$(pwd)/dfe-marks" "$1" 3>&- || _e1=$?
58 echo $_e1 >&3
59 } |
61 _e2=0
62 git_ulimit fast-import \
63 --export-marks="$(pwd)/gfi-marks" \
64 --export-pack-edges="$(pwd)/gfi-packs" \
65 --import-marks="$(pwd)/gfi-marks" \
66 --force 3>&- || _e2=$?
67 echo $_e2 >&3
70 EOT
71 exec 3>&-
72 [ "$_err1" = 0 ] && [ "$_err2" = 0 ]
73 return $?
76 # bzr fast-export | git fast-import with error handling
77 git_bzr_fetch() (
78 set_utf8_locale
79 BZR_LOG=/dev/null
80 export BZR_LOG
81 _err1=
82 _err2=
83 exec 3>&1
84 { read -r _err1 || :; read -r _err2 || :; } <<-EOT
86 exec 4>&3 3>&1 1>&4 4>&-
88 _e1=0
89 bzr fast-export --plain \
90 --export-marks="$(pwd)/bfe-marks" \
91 --import-marks="$(pwd)/bfe-marks" "$1" 3>&- || _e1=$?
92 echo $_e1 >&3
93 } |
95 _e2=0
96 git_ulimit fast-import \
97 --export-marks="$(pwd)/gfi-marks" \
98 --export-pack-edges="$(pwd)/gfi-packs" \
99 --import-marks="$(pwd)/gfi-marks" \
100 --force 3>&- || _e2=$?
101 echo $_e2 >&3
105 exec 3>&-
106 [ "$_err1" = 0 ] && [ "$_err2" = 0 ]
107 return $?
110 # On return a "$lockf" will have been created that must be removed when gc is done
111 lock_update() {
112 v_lock_file _lockresult "update.pid" || {
113 echo >&2 "[$proj] $_lockresult"
114 exit 1
116 lockf="$_lockresult"
119 # output all loose object ids, one per line, to stdout INCLUDING "/" shard separator
120 # look in "$1" (default "objects")
121 list_loose_sharded_objects() (
122 cd "${1:-objects}" || return 1
123 objdirs="$(echo $octet)"
124 [ "$objdirs" != "$octet" ] || return 0
125 find -L $objdirs -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "$octet19*" -print
128 # Migrate any and all objects/packs/ref-changes from $incoming_fetch/$incoming_objs
129 # Does NOT do anything with reflogs, those should already be taken care of elsewhere
130 unquarantine_updates() {
131 # just make sure everthing is copacetic first
132 [ -n "$incoming_fetch" ] && [ -d "$incoming_fetch" ] &&
133 [ -n "$incoming_objs" ] && [ -d "$incoming_objs" ] || {
134 echo >&2 "[$proj] unquarantine failed"
135 exit 1
137 _ifd="$(git --git-dir="$incoming_fetch" rev-parse --git-dir 2>/dev/null)" || :
138 [ -z "$_ifd" ] || _ifd="$(cd "$_ifd" && pwd -P)"
139 [ -n "$_ifd" ] && [ "$_ifd" = "$incoming_fetch" ] || {
140 echo >&2 "[$proj] unquarantine failed"
141 exit 1
144 # both $incoming_fetch and . must have all their refs packed
145 git --git-dir="$incoming_fetch" pack-refs --all --prune
146 git --git-dir=. pack-refs --all --prune
148 # now every loose object and pack must be migrated out of quarantine
149 _objd="$(cd "$PWD/objects" && pwd -P)"
150 # packs first
151 if [ -d "$incoming_objs/pack" ]; then
152 if [ ! -d "$_objd/pack" ]; then
153 mkdir -p "$_objd/pack"
154 chmod "$dperms" "$_objd/pack" >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
156 while read -r _pckf && [ -n "${_pckf%.pack}" ]; do
157 _pckf="${_pckf%.pack}"
158 rename_pack "$_pckf" "$_objd/pack/${_pckf##*/}"
159 chmod "$fperms" "$_objd/pack/${_pckf##*/}".?* >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
160 done <<LIST_PACKS
161 $(list_packs --exclude-no-idx "$incoming_objs/pack")
164 # now loose objects
165 # (use a subshell for loose objects as there could potentially be many
166 # whereas there will normally be just one pack)
167 list_loose_sharded_objects "$incoming_objs" |
168 while read -r _objf && [ -n "$_objf" ] && [ "${#_objf}" -ge 41 ]; do
169 if [ ! -d "$_objd/${_objf%%/*}" ]; then
170 mkdir -p "$_objd/${_objf%%/*}"
171 chmod "$dperms" "$_objd/${_objf%%/*}" >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
173 ln "$incoming_objs/$_objf" "$_objd/$_objf" >/dev/null 2>&1 ||
174 dupe_file "$incoming_objs/$_objf" "$_objd/$_objf" "tmp_obj_" >/dev/null 2>&1 ||
175 [ -f "$_objd/$_objf" ] || {
176 echo >&2 "[$proj] unable to unquarantine object $_objf"
177 exit 1
179 chmod "$fperms" "$_objd/$_objf" >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
180 rm -f "$incoming_objs/$_objf"
181 done || exit 1
183 # now the refs
184 # simply replace the packed-refs file
185 # but do it atomically and make sure it's on the same file system first
186 rm -f "$PWD/packed-refs.$$"
187 cat "$incoming_fetch/packed-refs" >"$PWD/packed-refs.$$"
188 mv -f "$PWD/packed-refs.$$" "$PWD/packed-refs"
189 rm -f "$PWD/packed-refs.$$"
192 # Create a "quarantine" area to fetch into
193 # This is set up similarly to the way the "repack" directory is set
194 # up for gc in that it's a subdirectory that's a whole "git" directory
195 # but it uses the existing objects directory as an alternate and its
196 # own objects subdirectory is a symlink to a subdirectory of the real
197 # objects directory (to guarantee that packs/objects can be moved rather
198 # than copied). It starts out with a copy of all of the project's refs.
199 # A successful fetch will "unquarantine" fetched objects/packs + ref changes
200 create_quarantine() {
201 incoming_objs="$(mktemp -d "$PWD/objects/incoming-XXXXXX")"
202 incoming_objs="$(cd "$incoming_objs" && pwd -P)"
203 chmod "$dperms" "$incoming_objs"
204 mkdir "$incoming_objs/pack"
205 mkdir "$incoming_objs/info"
206 printf '%s\n' "$PWD/objects" >"$incoming_objs/info/alternates"
207 incoming_fetch="$(mktemp -d "$PWD/incoming-XXXXXX")"
208 incoming_fetch="$(cd "$incoming_fetch" && pwd -P)"
209 chmod "$dperms" "$incoming_fetch"
210 ln -s "$incoming_objs" "$incoming_fetch/objects"
211 mkdir "$incoming_fetch/refs"
212 ln -s "$PWD/config" "$incoming_fetch/config"
213 git for-each-ref --format='%(objectname) %(refname)' >"$incoming_fetch/packed-refs"
214 cat HEAD >"$incoming_fetch/HEAD"
215 # Make sure the incoming packed-refs file is properly peeled
216 git --git-dir="$incoming_fetch" pack-refs --all --prune
217 # link to svn if it exists
218 [ ! -d svn ] || ln -s "$PWD/svn" "$incoming_fetch/svn"
219 use_quarantine=1
222 [ -n "$cfg_mirror" ] || { echo "Mirroring is disabled" >&2; exit 0; }
224 if [ "$cfg_permission_control" != "Hooks" ]; then
225 umask 002
226 fperms=0664
227 dperms=2775
228 else
229 umask 000
230 fperms=0666
231 dperms=2777
233 clean_git_env
235 proj="${1%.git}"
236 cd "$cfg_reporoot/$proj.git"
238 # Activate a mini-gc if needed
239 # We do this here as well as after a successful fetch so that if we're stuck
240 # in a fetch loop where fetches are succeeding in fetching new packs but the
241 # ref update is failing for some reason (perhaps a non-commit under refs/heads)
242 # and a previous invokation therefore had a "bang" exit then we will still
243 # get the .needsgc flag set in a timely fashion to avoid excess pack build up.
244 check_and_set_needsgc
246 use_quarantine=
247 bang_log=
248 incoming_fetch=
249 incoming_objs=
250 lockf=
251 cleanup_exit() {
252 ec=$?
253 if [ $ec != 0 ]; then
254 echo "update failed dir: $PWD" >&2
256 [ -z "$incoming_fetch" ] || rm -rf "$incoming_fetch"
257 [ -z "$incoming_objs" ] || rm -rf "$incoming_objs"
258 [ -z "$bang_log" ] || rm -f "$bang_log"
259 [ -z "$lockf" ] || rm -f "$lockf"
261 bang_exit() { cleanup_exit; }
262 trap 'cleanup_exit' EXIT
263 trap 'exit 129' HUP
264 trap 'exit 130' INT
265 trap 'exit 131' QUIT
266 trap 'exit 134' ABRT
267 trap 'exit 141' PIPE
268 trap 'exit 142' ALRM
269 trap 'exit 143' TERM
271 if [ "${force_update:-0}" = "0" ] && check_interval lastrefresh $cfg_min_mirror_interval; then
272 progress "= [$proj] update skip (last at $(config_get lastrefresh))"
273 exit 0
275 if [ -e .nofetch ]; then
276 progress "x [$proj] update disabled (.nofetch exists)"
277 exit 0
279 lock_update
280 progress "+ [$proj] update ($(date))"
282 # Any pre-existing FETCH_HEAD from a previous fetch, failed or not, is garbage
283 rm -f FETCH_HEAD
285 # Remove any stale ref locks
286 clear_stale_ref_locks
288 # Remove any stale incoming-* object quarantine directories that are
289 # more than 12 hours old. These are new with Git >= 2.11.0.
290 # But we also create our own during the fetch process as Git's quarantine
291 # only applies to incoming receive-pack which we imitate for our fetch.
292 find -L . objects -maxdepth 1 -type d -name 'incoming-?*' -mmin +720 \
293 -exec rm -rf '{}' + || :
295 # A previous failed update attempt can leave a huge tmp_pack_XXXXXX file behind.
296 # Since no pushes are allowed to mirrors, we know that any such files that exist
297 # at this point in time are garbage and can be safely deleted, we do not even
298 # need to check how old they are. A tmp_idx_XXXXXX file is also created during
299 # the later stages of the fetch process, so we kill any of those as well.
300 find -L objects/pack -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "tmp_pack_?*" -exec rm -f '{}' + || :
301 find -L objects/pack -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "tmp_idx_?*" -exec rm -f '{}' + || :
303 # Make sure we have a reflogs subdirectory and abort the update if not
304 # This should not count as a normal "bang" failure if unsuccessful
305 [ -d reflogs ] || mkdir -p reflogs >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
306 [ -d reflogs ]
308 keep_bang_log=
309 do_check_after_refs=1
310 bang_setup
311 bang_action="update"
312 bang_trap() {
313 if [ -n "$1" ]; then
314 # Throttle retries
315 # Since gitweb shows the .last_refresh date, it's safe to update
316 # gitweb.lastrefresh to throttle the updates w/o corrupting the
317 # last refresh date display on the gitweb summary page
318 # It's therefore important that we do NOT touch .last_refresh here
319 config_set lastrefresh "$(date "$datefmt")"
323 bang echo "Project: $proj"
324 bang echo " Date: $(TZ=UTC date '+%Y-%m-%d %T UTC')"
325 bang echo ""
326 mail="$(config_get owner)" || :
327 url="$(config_get baseurl)" || :
328 case "$url" in *" "*|*" "*|"")
329 bang_eval 'echo "Bad mirror URL (\"$url\")"; ! :'
330 exit 1
331 esac
332 bang echo "Mirroring from URL \"$url\""
333 bang echo ""
334 statusok="$(git config --bool gitweb.statusupdates 2>/dev/null || echo true)"
335 mailaddrs=
336 [ "$statusok" = "false" ] || [ -z "$mail" ] || mailaddrs="$mail"
337 [ -z "$cfg_admincc" ] || [ "$cfg_admincc" = "0" ] || [ -z "$cfg_admin" ] ||
338 if [ -z "$mailaddrs" ]; then mailaddrs="$cfg_admin"; else mailaddrs="$mailaddrs,$cfg_admin"; fi
340 bang_eval "git for-each-ref --format '%(refname) %(objectname)' >.refs-temp"
341 bang_eval "LC_ALL=C sort -b -k1,1 <.refs-temp >.refs-before"
343 check_after_refs() {
344 [ -n "$do_check_after_refs" ] || return 0
345 bang_eval "git for-each-ref --format '%(refname) %(objectname)' >.refs-temp"
346 bang_eval "LC_ALL=C sort -b -k1,1 <.refs-temp >.refs-after"
347 refschanged=
348 cmp -s .refs-before .refs-after || refschanged=1
349 do_check_after_refs=
352 ! [ -e .delaygc ] || >.allowgc || :
354 # Make sure we don't get any unwanted loose objects
355 # Starting with Git v2.10.0 fast-import can generate loose objects unless we
356 # tweak its configuration to prevent that
357 git_add_config 'fetch.unpackLimit=1'
358 # Note the git config documentation is wrong
359 # transfer.unpackLimit, if set, overrides fetch.unpackLimit
360 git_add_config 'transfer.unpackLimit=1'
361 # But not the Git v2.10.0 and later fastimport.unpackLimit which improperly uses <= instead of <
362 git_add_config 'fastimport.unpackLimit=0'
364 # remember the starting time so we can easily combine fetched loose objects
365 # we sleep for 1 second after creating .needspack to make sure all objects are newer
366 if ! [ -e .needspack ]; then
367 rm -f .needspack
368 >.needspack
369 sleep 1
372 case "$url" in
373 svn://* | svn+http://* | svn+https://* | svn+file://* | svn+ssh://*)
374 [ -n "$cfg_mirror_svn" ] || { echo "Mirroring svn is disabled" >&2; exit 0; }
375 # Allow the username to be specified in the "svn-credential.svn.username"
376 # property and the password in the "svn-credential.svn.password" property
377 # Use an 'anonsvn' username by default as is commonly used for anonymous svn
378 # Default the password to the same as the username
379 # The password property will be ignored unless a username has been specified
380 if svnuser="$(git config --get svn-credential.svn.username)" && [ -n "$svnuser" ]; then
381 if ! svnpass="$(git config --get svn-credential.svn.password)"; then
382 svnpass="$svnuser"
384 url1="${url#*://}"
385 url1="${url1%%/*}"
386 case "$url1" in ?*"@"?*)
387 urlsch="${url%%://*}"
388 url="$urlsch://${url#*@}"
389 esac
390 else
391 # As a fallback, check in the URL, just in case
392 url1="${url#*://}"
393 url1="${url1%%/*}"
394 svnuser=
395 case "$url1" in ?*"@"?*)
396 urlsch="${url%%://*}"
397 url="$urlsch://${url#*@}"
398 url1="${url1%%@*}"
399 svnuser="${url1%%:*}"
400 if [ -n "$svnuser" ]; then
401 svnpass="$svnuser"
402 case "$url1" in *":"*)
403 svnpass="${url1#*:}"
404 esac
406 esac
407 if [ -z "$svnuser" ]; then
408 svnuser="anonsvn"
409 svnpass="anonsvn"
414 # Update the git svn url to match baseurl but be cognizant of any
415 # needed prefix changes. See the comments in taskd/clone.sh about
416 # why we need to put up with a prefix in the first place.
417 case "$url" in svn+ssh://*) svnurl="$url";; *) svnurl="${url#svn+}";; esac
418 svnurl="${svnurl%/}"
419 svnurlold="$(config_get svnurl)" || :
420 if [ "$svnurl" != "$svnurlold" ]; then
421 # We better already have an svn-remote.svn.fetch setting
422 bang test -n "$(git config --get-all svn-remote.svn.fetch)" || :
423 # the only way to truly know what the proper prefix is
424 # is to attempt a fresh git-svn init -s on the new url
425 rm -rf svn-new-url || :
426 # We require svn info to succeed on the URL otherwise it's
427 # simply not a valid URL and without using -s on the init it
428 # will not otherwise be tested until the fetch
429 bang eval 'svn --non-interactive --username "$svnuser" --password "$svnpass" info "$svnurl" >/dev/null'
430 bang mkdir svn-new-url
431 GIT_DIR=svn-new-url bang git init --bare --quiet
432 # We initially use -s for the init which will possibly shorten
433 # the URL. However, the shortening can fail if a password is
434 # not required for the longer version but is for the shorter,
435 # so try again without -s if the -s version fails.
436 cmdstr='git svn init --username="$svnuser" --prefix "" -s "$svnurl" <"$mtlinesfile" >/dev/null 2>&1 || '
437 cmdstr="$cmdstr"'git svn init --username="$svnuser" --prefix "" "$svnurl" <"$mtlinesfile" >/dev/null 2>&1'
438 GIT_DIR=svn-new-url bang eval "$cmdstr"
439 gitsvnurl="$(GIT_DIR=svn-new-url git config --get svn-remote.svn.url)" || :
440 gitsvnfetch="$(GIT_DIR=svn-new-url git config --get svn-remote.svn.fetch)" || :
441 gitsvnprefixnew="${gitsvnfetch%%:*}"
442 gitsvnsuffixnew="${gitsvnprefixnew##*/}"
443 gitsvnprefixnew="${gitsvnprefixnew%$gitsvnsuffixnew}"
444 rm -rf svn-new-url || :
445 # Using GIT_DIR= with bang leaves it set to svn-new-url, so reset it to .
446 GIT_DIR=.
447 if [ "$gitsvnurl" != "$(git config --get svn-remote.svn.url || :)" ]; then
448 # The url has been changed.
449 # We must update the url and replace the prefix on all config items
450 gitsvnfetch="$(git config --get-all svn-remote.svn.fetch | head -1)" || :
451 gitsvnprefixold="${gitsvnfetch%%:*}"
452 gitsvnsuffixold="${gitsvnprefixold##*/}"
453 gitsvnprefixold="${gitsvnprefixold%$gitsvnsuffixold}"
454 git config --remove-section 'svn-remote.svnnew' 2>/dev/null || :
455 git config 'svn-remote.svnnew.url' "$gitsvnurl"
456 git config --get-regexp '^svn-remote\.svn\.' |
457 while read -r sname sval; do
458 case "$sname" in
459 svn-remote.svn.fetch|svn-remote.svn.branches|svn-remote.svn.tags)
460 sname="${sname#svn-remote.svn.}"
461 sval="${sval#$gitsvnprefixold}"
462 bang git config --add "svn-remote.svnnew.$sname" "${gitsvnprefixnew}$sval"
463 esac
464 done
465 test $? -eq 0
466 bang git config -f svn/.metadata svn-remote.svn.reposRoot "$gitsvnurl"
467 bang git config --remove-section svn-remote.svn
468 bang git config --rename-section svn-remote.svnnew svn-remote.svn
470 bang config_set svnurl "$svnurl"
472 # remove any stale *.lock files greater than 1 hour old in case
473 # git-svn was killed on the last update because it took too long
474 find -L svn -type f -name '*.lock' -mmin +60 -exec rm -f '{}' + 2>/dev/null || :
478 saveconfig="$GIT_CONFIG_PARAMETERS"
479 git_add_config 'gc.auto=1'
480 git_add_config 'gc.autoPackLimit=1'
481 GIT_DIR=. bang git_ulimit svn fetch --log-window-size=$var_log_window_size --username="$svnuser" --quiet <"$mtlinesfile"
486 [ -z "$saveconfig" ] || {
487 GIT_CONFIG_PARAMETERS="$saveconfig"
490 # git svn does not preserve group permissions in the svn subdirectory
491 chmod -R ug+rw,o+r svn
492 # git svn also leaves behind ref turds that end with @nnn
493 # We get rid of them now
494 git for-each-ref --format='%(refname)' |
495 LC_ALL=C sed '/^..*@[1-9][0-9]*$/!d; s/^/delete /' |
496 git_updateref_stdin
499 darcs://* | darcs+http://* | darcs+https://*)
500 [ -n "$cfg_mirror_darcs" ] || { echo "Mirroring darcs is disabled" >&2; exit 0; }
501 case "$url" in
502 darcs://*) darcsurl="http://${url#darcs://}";;
503 *) darcsurl="${url#darcs+}";;
504 esac
505 # remove any stale lock files greater than 1 hour old in case
506 # darcs_fast_export was killed on the last update because it took too long
507 find -L *.darcs -maxdepth 2 -type f -name 'lock' -mmin +60 -exec rm -f '{}' + 2>/dev/null || :
508 bang git_darcs_fetch "$darcsurl"
510 bzr://*)
511 [ -n "$cfg_mirror_bzr" ] || { echo "Mirroring bzr is disabled" >&2; exit 0; }
512 bzrurl="${url#bzr://}"
513 bang git_bzr_fetch "$bzrurl"
515 hg+http://* | hg+https://* | hg+file://* | hg+ssh://*)
516 [ -n "$cfg_mirror_hg" ] || { echo "Mirroring hg is disabled" >&2; exit 0; }
517 # We just remove hg+ here, so hg+http://... becomes http://...
518 hgurl="${url#hg+}"
519 # Fetch any new updates
520 bang hg -R "$(pwd)/repo.hg" pull
521 # Do the fast-export | fast-import
522 bang git_hg_fetch
525 [ "$url" = "$(git config --get remote.origin.url || :)" ] || bang config_set_raw remote.origin.url "$url"
526 pruneopt=--prune
527 [ "$(git config --bool fetch.prune 2>/dev/null || :)" != "false" ] || pruneopt=
528 if ! is_gfi_mirror_url "$url"; then
529 lastwasclean=
530 [ "$(git config --bool girocco.lastupdateclean 2>/dev/null || :)" != "true" ] || lastwasclean=1
531 nextisclean=
532 [ "$(git config --bool girocco.cleanmirror 2>/dev/null || :)" != "true" ] || nextisclean=1
533 if [ "$nextisclean" != "$lastwasclean" ]; then
534 if [ -n "$nextisclean" ]; then
535 git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch "+refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*"
536 git config --add remote.origin.fetch "+refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*"
537 git config --add remote.origin.fetch "+refs/notes/*:refs/notes/*"
538 git config --add remote.origin.fetch "+refs/top-bases/*:refs/top-bases/*"
539 git config --add remote.origin.fetch "+refs/replace/*:refs/replace/*"
540 else
541 git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch "+refs/*:refs/*"
544 if ! create_quarantine; then
545 bang echo ""
546 bang echo "unable to create fetch quarantine area"
547 bang_cmd="create_quarantine"
548 bang_errcode=1
549 bang_failed
552 # remember the starting time so we can easily detect new packs for fast-import mirrors
553 # we sleep for 1 second after creating .gfipack to make sure all packs are newer
554 if is_gfi_mirror_url "$url" && [ ! -e .gfipack ]; then
555 rm -f .gfipack
556 >.gfipack
557 sleep 1
559 fetcharg="default"
560 git config remotes.default >/dev/null 2>&1 || fetcharg="--all"
561 GIT_DIR=.
562 [ -z "$use_quarantine" ] || GIT_DIR="$incoming_fetch"
563 fetchcmd="git_ulimit fetch"
564 [ "$show_progress" != "0" ] || fetchcmd="git_ulimit fetch -q"
565 if [ -n "$var_have_git_171" ] && [ "${show_progress:-0}" != "0" ]; then
566 # git fetch learned --progress in v1.7.1
567 case "$show_progress" in
568 [2-9]*|1[0-9]*)
569 # full volume progress with all the spammy noise
570 fetchcmd="git_ulimit fetch --progress"
573 # a kinder, gentler progress that doesn't leave one
574 # covered all over in exploded bits of spam afterwards
575 fetchcmd="git_fetch_q_progress"
577 esac
579 # It's possible for a fetch to actually do something while still returning
580 # a non-zero result (perhaps some of the refs were updated but some were
581 # not -- a malicious Git-impersonation trying to set refs/heads/... refs
582 # to non-commit objects for example).
583 GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=1 bang_catch eval "$fetchcmd" $pruneopt --multiple "$fetcharg"
585 # If we did fetch anything, don't treat it as an error, but do keep the log;
586 # otherwise invoke bang_failed as for a normal failure
587 if [ "${bang_errcode:-0}" != "0" ]; then
588 save_bang_errcode="$bang_errcode"
589 check_after_refs
590 if [ -n "$refschanged" ]; then
591 keep_bang_log="git fetch${pruneopt:+ $pruneopt} --multiple $fetcharg"
592 else
593 bang_cmd="git fetch${pruneopt:+ $pruneopt} --multiple $fetcharg"
594 bang_errcode="$save_bang_errcode"
595 bang_failed
598 if [ -n "$use_quarantine" ]; then
599 check_after_refs
600 unset GIT_DIR
601 if [ -n "$refschanged" ] && ! unquarantine_updates; then
602 bang echo ""
603 bang echo "unable to unquarantine fetched updates"
604 bang_cmd="unquarantine_updates"
605 bang_errcode=1
606 bang_failed
608 else
609 unset GIT_DIR
611 if ! is_gfi_mirror_url "$url" && [ "$nextisclean" != "$lastwasclean" ]; then
612 if [ -n "$nextisclean" ]; then
613 # We must manually purge the unclean refs now as even prune won't do it
614 git for-each-ref --format='%(refname)' |
615 LC_ALL=C sed \
616 -e '/^refs\/heads\//d' \
617 -e '/^refs\/tags\//d' \
618 -e '/^refs\/notes\//d' \
619 -e '/^refs\/top-bases\//d' \
620 -e '/^refs\/replace\//d' \
621 -e 's/^/delete /' |
622 git_updateref_stdin
624 git config --bool girocco.lastupdateclean ${nextisclean:-0}
626 if [ -e .gfipack ] && is_gfi_mirror_url "$url"; then
627 find -L objects/pack -type f -newer .gfipack -name "pack-$octet20*.pack" -print >>gfi-packs
628 rm -f .gfipack
630 # Check to see if we've lost our HEAD
631 if ! git rev-parse --verify HEAD >/dev/null 2>&1; then
632 git config --unset girocco.headok >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
633 # Try to get it back
634 check_and_set_head || :
637 esac
639 # The objects subdirectories permissions must be updated now.
640 # In the case of a dumb http clone, the permissions will not be correct
641 # (missing group write) despite the core.sharedrepository=2 setting!
642 # The objects themselves seem to have the correct permissions.
643 # This problem appears to have been fixed in the most recent git versions.
644 perms=g+w
645 [ "$cfg_permission_control" != "Hooks" ] || perms=go+w
646 chmod $perms $(find -L objects -maxdepth 1 -type d) 2>/dev/null || :
648 # We maintain the last refresh date in two places deliberately
649 # so that it's available as part of the config data and also
650 # as a standalone file timestamp that can be accessed without git.
651 bang config_set lastrefresh "$(date "$datefmt")"
652 { >.last_refresh; } 2>/dev/null || :
654 # Check to see if any refs changed
655 check_after_refs
657 # Update server info if any refs changed (if they didn't packs shouldn't have either)
658 [ -z "$refschanged" ] || bang git update-server-info
660 # Pack all refs if any changed to keep things as efficient as possible
661 # Project mirror updates do not occur that often therefore this is a win
662 # However, if pack-refs fails for some reason, we can just ignore and continue
663 # The "--prune" option is the default since v1.5.0 but it serves as "documentation" here
664 [ -z "$refschanged" ] || git pack-refs --all --prune || :
666 # Force a mini-gc if $Girocco::Config::delay_gfi_redelta is false and there's
667 # at least one gfi pack present now
668 if [ -z "$cfg_delay_gfi_redelta" ] && ! [ -e .needsgc ] &&
669 [ -f gfi-packs ] && [ -s gfi-packs ] && is_gfi_mirror_url "$url"; then
670 >.needsgc
673 # Activate a mini-gc if needed
674 check_and_set_needsgc
676 # Look at which refs changed and trigger ref-change for these
677 sockpath="$cfg_chroot/etc/taskd.socket"
678 if [ -n "$refschanged" ]; then
679 bang config_set lastreceive "$(date '+%a, %d %b %Y %T %z')"
680 # We always use UTC for the log timestamp so that chroot and non-chroot match up.
681 # We don't have to worry about multiple log files since only one update runs
682 lognamets="$(TZ=UTC date '+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')"
683 loghhmmss="${lognamets##*_}"
684 logname="reflogs/${lognamets%%_*}"
685 # We freshen the mod time to now on any old or new ref that is a loose object
686 # For old refs we do it so we will be able to keep them around for 1 day
687 # For new refs we do it in case we are about to run gc and the new ref
688 # actually points to an oldish loose object that had been unreachable
689 # We probably do not need to do it for new refs as Git tries to do that,
690 # but since we're already doing it for old refs (which Git does not do),
691 # it's almost no extra work for new refs, just in case.
693 echo "ref-changes %$proj% $proj"
694 LC_ALL=C join .refs-before .refs-after |
695 LC_ALL=C sed -e '/^[^ ][^ ]* \([^ ][^ ]*\) \1$/d' |
696 while read ref old new; do
697 echo "$loghhmmss $old $new $ref" >&3
698 freshen_loose_objects "$old" "$new"
699 echo "$old $new $ref"
700 done
701 LC_ALL=C join -v 1 .refs-before .refs-after |
702 while read ref old; do
703 echo "$loghhmmss $old 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 $ref" >&3
704 freshen_loose_objects "$old"
705 echo "$old 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 $ref"
706 done
707 LC_ALL=C join -v 2 .refs-before .refs-after |
708 while read ref new; do
709 echo "$loghhmmss 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 $new $ref" >&3
710 freshen_loose_objects "$new"
711 echo "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 $new $ref"
712 done
713 git for-each-ref --format='%(objectname) %(objectname) %(refname)' refs/heads
714 echo "done ref-changes %$proj% $proj"
715 } >.refs-temp 3>>"$logname"
716 if [ -S "$sockpath" ]; then
717 trap ':' PIPE
718 nc_openbsd -w 15 -U "$sockpath" <.refs-temp || :
719 trap - PIPE
721 bang config_set lastchange "$(date '+%a, %d %b %Y %T %z')"
722 bang_eval "git for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate --format='%(committerdate:iso8601)' \
723 --count=1 refs/heads >info/lastactivity"
724 ! [ -d htmlcache ] || { >htmlcache/changed; } 2>/dev/null || :
725 rm -f .delaygc .allowgc
727 [ "${cfg_autogchack:-0}" != "0" ] &&
728 [ "$(git config --get --bool girocco.autogchack 2>/dev/null)" != "false" ]
729 then
730 mv -f .refs-after .refs-last
734 # If the repository does not yet have a valid HEAD symref try to set one
735 # If an empty repository was cloned and then later becomes unempty you just
736 # lose out on the fancy "symref=HEAD:" logic and get this version instead
737 check_and_set_head || :
739 rm -f .refs-before .refs-after .refs-temp FETCH_HEAD
741 if is_banged; then
742 [ -z "$mailaddrs" ] || ! was_banged_message_sent ||
744 echo "$proj update succeeded - failure recovery"
745 echo "this status message may be disabled on the project admin page"
746 } | mailref "update@$cfg_gitweburl/$proj.git" -s "[$cfg_name] $proj update succeeded" "$mailaddrs" || :
747 bang_reset
750 if [ -n "$keep_bang_log" ] && [ -s "$bang_log" ]; then
751 cat "$bang_log" >.banglog
752 echo "" >>.banglog
753 echo "$keep_bang_log failed with error code $save_bang_errcode" >>.banglog
756 progress "- [$proj] update ($(date))"