.gitignore: ignore any __BASEDIR__ symlinks
[girocco.git] / jobd / combine-packs.sh
1 #!/bin/sh
3 # combine-packs.sh -- combine Git pack files
4 # Copyright (C) 2016,2017,2018,2020 Kyle J. McKay.
5 # All rights reserved
7 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
10 # (at your option) any later version.
12 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 # GNU General Public License for more details.
17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20 # Version 1.2.3
22 USAGE="
23 printf '%s\n' path-to-pack[.idx|.pack] ... |
24 $(basename "$0") [option]... [pack-objects option]... [pack-base-name]
26 NOTE: The following options MUST be given before any pack-objects options:
28 --replace on success, remove the input packs, see note below
29 (but any input packs with a .keep are never removed)
31 --names output the 40-char hex sha1 plus '\n' to stdout for each
32 newly created pack(s), if any
34 --ignore-missing silently ignore input pack file names that do not exist
36 --ignore-missing-objects
37 silently ignore missing objects (explicit objects when
38 using --objects otherwise those contained in input packs)
40 --loose add the list of all currently existing loose objects in
41 the repository to the list of objects to pack
43 --objects input is a list of object hash id values instead of packs
45 --envok allow use of GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY otherwise it is an error
46 to run combine-packs.sh with GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY set
48 --sort-tags-by-id
49 sort tags by object id rather than embedded tag name
50 using this option avoids using perl when tags are present
52 --weak-naming use perl to produce weaker object names (and likely larger
53 output packs) instead of naming with rev-list '--objects'
54 (this option requires tree objects contain 20-byte hashes)
56 If --replace is given, ALL packs to be combined MUST be located in
57 the objects/pack subdirectory of the current git directory AND the output
58 pack base MUST also be omitted (meaning it defaults to objects/pack/pack).
60 The --loose option can be used both with and without the --objects option. If
61 there are no currently existing loose objects in the repository's objects/
62 directory then it's effectively silently ignored.
64 Note that if --objects is used then --replace and --ignore-missing are invalid.
66 Unless --ignore-missing-objects is given, any input objects (either given
67 explicitly when using --objects otherwise those contained in the input packs)
68 that are not present in the current git directory (respecting the value of
69 GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY if --envok is given) or its alternate object
70 directories, if any, will cause combine-packs to fail.
71 With this option any such objects are SILENTLY SKIPPED and do NOT appear in
72 the output pack(s)!
74 Unless the --sort-tags-by-id option is used then perl will be used if available
75 and any tag objects are present in the input. It provides the only efficient
76 way to extract the embedded tag name from a batch of tag objects reliably.
77 However, since the only reason the tag name is extracted is to sort the tag
78 objects for better tag deltification, if the tag objects are sorted by the
79 tag object id there is never any need to run perl. In practice, tag objects
80 rarely generate deltas and there are almost never enough tag objects in the
81 first place for the size savings of the almost-never-happens tag
82 deltification to matter anyway. This option will be activated automatically
83 if perl does not appear to be available.
85 Normally all commit and tree objects to be packed are 'named' using the git
86 rev-list --objects command so that the best possible pack(s) can be produced.
87 This requires that all tree objects referenced from commits and trees being
88 packed (recursively for trees) as well as all the blobs referenced by them
89 must be present in the repository or else the 'rev-list --objects' command
90 used to name them will fail. As an alternative the --weak-naming option will
91 avoid use of the '--objects' option and name the contents of tree objects
92 using a perl script. The resulting names are good, but not _as_ good which
93 may produce a less efficiently packed pack. It does, however, permit packing
94 completely arbitrarily selected objects without error.
96 A 40-char hex sha1 is taken to be objects/pack/pack-<sha-1>.idx relative to
97 the current git directory (as output by \`git rev-parse --git-dir\` or
98 by \`git rev-parse --git-common-dir\` for Git version 2.5 or later).
100 If a <pack-name> does not exist and contains no '/' characters then it is
101 retried as objects/pack/<pack-name> instead.
103 Packs to be combined MUST have an associated .idx file.
105 The pack-base-name may be a relative path name and if so, is ALWAYS relative
106 to the current git directory regardless of any GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY setting.
108 If not given, then the pack-base-name defaults to objects/pack/pack
109 relative to the current git directory.
111 If GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY is set to a non-default location (and the --envok flag
112 is given to allow it) then everywhere above where it says \"objects/\" is
113 effectively replaced with the full absolute path to \"\$GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY/\".
114 And, obviously, that location is no longer necessarily a subdirectory of the
115 current git directory either.
117 Note that --delta-base-offset is ALWAYS passed to git pack-objects but it is
118 the ONLY option that is automatically passed (but remember that --reuse-delta
119 and --reuse-object are IMPLIED and must be explicitly disabled if desired).
121 The options --revs, --unpacked, --all, --reflog, --indexed-objects and
122 --stdout are forbidden. Although --keep-true-parents is allowed it should
123 not have any effect at all. Using --incremental is recommended only for
124 wizards or with --objects as in most other cases it will result in an empty
125 pack being output. The combination of --loose --objects --incremental will
126 pack up all loose objects not already in a pack (and nothing else if standard
127 input is redirected to /dev/null in which case the --objects is optional).
129 WARNING: the move_aside logic currently only works when pack-base-name is
130 completely omitted!
133 set -e
135 # $$ should be the same in subshells, but just in case, remember it
136 cp_pid=$$
138 perltagprog='
139 #!/usr/bin/perl
140 #line 140 "combine-packs.sh"
141 use strict;
142 use warnings;
144 sub discard {
145 my $count = shift;
146 my $x = "";
147 while ($count >= 32768) {
148 read(STDIN, $x, 32768);
149 $count -= 32768;
151 read(STDIN, $x, $count) if $count;
154 my @tags = ();
155 binmode STDIN;
156 while (<STDIN>) {
157 if (/^([0-9a-fA-F]+) ([^ ]+) ([0-9]+)$/) {
158 my ($h, $t, $l) = ($1, $2, $3);
159 my $te = 0;
160 my $tn = "";
161 discard(1 + $l), next unless $2 eq "tag";
162 my $count = 0;
163 while (<STDIN>) {
164 $count += length($_);
165 chomp;
166 last if /^$/;
167 $tn = $1 if /^tag ([^ ]+)$/;
168 $te = $1 if /^tagger [^>]+> ([0-9]+)/;
169 last if $tn && $te;
171 discard(1 + $l - $count);
172 push(@tags, [$te, "$h $tn\n"]);
175 print map($$_[1], sort({$$b[0] <=> $$a[0]} @tags));
177 perlnameprog='
178 #!/usr/bin/perl
179 #line 179 "combine-packs.sh"
180 use strict;
181 use warnings;
183 sub discard {
184 my $count = shift;
185 my $x = "";
186 my $len;
187 while ($count >= 32768) {
188 $len = read(STDIN, $x, 32768);
189 defined($len) && $len == 32768 or die "bad --batch output";
190 $count -= 32768;
192 if ($count) {
193 $len = read(STDIN, $x, $count);
194 defined($len) && $len == $count or die "bad --batch output";
198 binmode STDIN;
199 my $ln = 0;
200 while (<STDIN>) {
201 if (/^([0-9a-fA-F]+) ([^ ]+) ([0-9]+)$/) {
202 my ($h, $t, $l) = ($1, $2, $3);
203 discard(1 + $l), next unless $2 eq "tree";
204 my $tr = "";
205 my $count = 0;
206 $count = read(STDIN, $tr, $l) if $l;
207 defined($count) && $count == $l or die "bad --batch output";
208 discard(1);
209 ++$ln;
210 print $ln, " ", $h, " ~~~~ \n";
211 my ($loc, $pos);
212 for ($pos = 0;
213 $pos < $l && ($loc = index($tr, "\0", $pos)) > $pos && $loc + 20 < $l;
214 $pos = $loc + 20 + 1) {
215 substr($tr, $pos, $loc - $pos) =~ /^([0-7]{5,6}) (.*)$/os or die "bad --batch output";
216 my ($mode, $name) = (oct($1), $2);
217 $mode == 0100644 || $mode == 040000 or next;
218 $name =~ tr/\n/?/;
219 my $r = $name;
220 $r =~ s/[\t\n\013\f\r ]+//gos;
221 $r = substr(reverse($r), 0, 16);
222 my $i = unpack("H*", substr($tr, $loc + 1, 20));
223 ++$ln;
224 if (length($r)) {
225 print $ln, " ", $i, " ", $r, " ", $name, "\n";
226 } else {
227 print $ln, " ", $i, " ", $name, "\n";
230 $pos == $l or die "bad --batch output";
236 zap=
238 gdo=
239 gdop=
241 cleanup_on_exit() {
242 ewf=
243 [ -n "$td" ] && [ -e "$td/success" ] || ewf=1
244 [ -z "$td" ] || ! [ -e "$td" ] || rm -rf "$td" || :
245 [ -z "$gdop" ] || [ -z "$zap" ] || command find -L "$gdop" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.$zap" -exec rm -f '{}' + || :
246 [ -z "$ewf" ] || echo "combine-packs: exiting with failure${gd:+ (${gd##*/})}" >&2 || :
249 trap cleanup_on_exit EXIT
250 trap 'exit 129' HUP
251 trap 'exit 130' INT
252 trap 'exit 131' QUIT
253 trap 'exit 143' TERM
255 die() {
256 echo "combine-packs: fatal: $*" >&2 || :
257 # In case we are in a sub shell force the entire command to exit
258 # The trap on TERM will make sure cleanup still happens in this case
259 extrapid=
260 [ -z "$td" ] || ! [ -s "$td/popid" ] || extrapid="$(cat "$td/popid")" || :
261 kill $cp_pid $extrapid || :
262 exit 1
265 cmd_path() (
266 "unset" -f unalias command "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
267 "unalias" -a >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
268 "command" -v "$1"
269 ) 2>/dev/null
271 # This extra indirection shouldn't be necessary, but it is for some broken sh
272 # in order for a failure to not prematurely exit die_on_fail with set -e active
273 do_command() (
274 # some shells do not handle "exec command ..." properly but just a
275 # plain "exec ..." has the same semantics so "command" is omitted here
276 LC_ALL=C exec "$@"
279 die_on_fail() {
280 do_command "$@" || {
281 _ec=$?
282 [ -z "$td" ] || >"$td/failed" || :
283 die "failed command ($_ec): $*"
287 # These commands may be the non-final member of a pipe and
288 # MUST NOT be allowed to silently fail without consequence
289 awk() { die_on_fail awk "$@"; }
290 cat() { die_on_fail cat "$@"; }
291 cut() { die_on_fail cut "$@"; }
292 find() { die_on_fail find "$@"; }
293 git() { die_on_fail git "$@"; }
294 join() { die_on_fail join "$@"; }
295 perl() { die_on_fail perl "$@"; }
296 sed() { die_on_fail sed "$@"; }
297 sort() { die_on_fail sort "$@"; }
299 hexdig='[0-9a-f]'
300 octet="$hexdig$hexdig"
301 octet4="$octet$octet$octet$octet"
302 octet19="$octet4$octet4$octet4$octet4$octet$octet$octet"
303 octet20="$octet4$octet4$octet4$octet4$octet4"
305 names=
306 ignoremiss=
307 looselist=
308 objectlist=
309 dozap=
310 envok=
311 missok=
312 noperl=
313 weak=
315 while [ $# -ge 1 ]; do case "$1" in
316 --names)
317 names=1
318 shift
320 --replace)
321 dozap="zap-$$"
322 shift
324 --ignore-missing)
325 ignoremiss=1
326 shift
328 --ignore-missing-objects)
329 missok=1
330 shift
332 -h|--help)
333 trap - EXIT
334 if [ -t 1 ] && pg="$(git var GIT_PAGER 2>/dev/null)" && [ -n "$pg" ]; then
335 printf '%s' "${USAGE#?}" | eval "$pg" || :
336 else
337 printf '%s' "${USAGE#?}" || :
339 exit 0
341 --loose)
342 looselist=1
343 shift
345 --objects)
346 objectlist=1
347 shift
349 --envok)
350 envok=1
351 shift
353 --sort-tags-by-id)
354 noperl=1
355 shift
357 --weak-naming)
358 weak=1
359 shift
362 break
364 esac; done
365 [ -z "$ignoremiss$dozap" ] || [ -z "$objectlist" ] || die "invalid options"
366 perlbin=
367 [ -n "$noperl" ] && [ -z "$weak" ] || { perlbin="$(cmd_path perl)" && [ -n "$perlbin" ]; } || noperl=1
368 [ -z "$weak" ] || [ -n "$perlbin" ] || die "--weak-naming requires perl"
370 # Always make sure we get the specified objects
373 gd="$(git rev-parse --git-dir)" && [ -n "$gd" ] ||
374 die "git rev-parse --git-dir failed"
375 gv="$(git --version)"
376 gv="${gv#[Gg]it version }"
377 gv="${gv%%[!0-9.]*}"
378 IFS=. read -r gvmaj gvmin gvpat <<EOT
381 : "${gvmaj:=0}" "${gvmin:=0}" "${gvpat:=0}"
382 # git rev-parse added --no-walk support in 1.5.3 which is required
383 # git cat-file added --batch-check support in 1.5.6 which is required
384 if [ $gvmaj -lt 1 ] || { [ $gvmaj -eq 1 ] && [ $gvmin -lt 5 ]; } ||
385 { [ $gvmaj -eq 1 ] && [ $gvmin -eq 5 ] && [ $gvpat -lt 6 ]; }; then
386 die "combine-packs requires at least Git version 1.5.6"
388 tmp="$gd"
389 gd="$(cd "$gd" && pwd -P)" || die "cd failed: $tmp"
390 # git rev-parse added --git-common-dir in 2.5
391 if [ $gvmaj -gt 2 ] || { [ $gvmaj -eq 2 ] && [ $gvmin -ge 5 ]; }; then
392 # rev-parse --git-common-dir is broken and may give an
393 # incorrect result without a suitable current directory
394 tmp="$gd"
395 gd="$(cd "$gd" && cd "$(git rev-parse --git-common-dir)" && pwd -P)" &&
396 [ -n "$gd" ] ||
397 die "git rev-parse --git-common-dir failed from: $tmp"
399 # gcfbf is Git Cat-File --Batch-check=Format Option :)
400 gcfbf=
401 if [ $gvmaj -gt 1 ] || { [ $gvmaj -eq 1 ] && [ $gvmin -gt 8 ]; } ||
402 { [ $gvmaj -eq 1 ] && [ $gvmin -eq 8 ] && [ $gvpat -ge 5 ]; }; then
403 gcfbf='=%(objectname) %(objecttype)'
405 # gcfbo is Git Cat-File --Buffer Option :)
406 gcfbo=
407 if [ $gvmaj -gt 2 ] || { [ $gvmaj -eq 2 ] && [ $gvmin -ge 6 ]; }; then
408 gcfbo=--buffer
410 if [ "${GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY+set}" = "set" ] && [ -z "$envok" ]; then
411 # GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY may only be set to $gd/objects without --envok
412 godok=
413 if [ -n "$GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY" ] && [ -d "$GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY" ] &&
414 [ -d "$gd/objects" ] && godfp="$(cd "$GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY" && pwd -P)" &&
415 gdofp="$(cd "$gd/objects" && pwd -P)" && [ -n "$godfp" ] && [ -n "$gdofp" ] &&
416 [ "$gdofp" = "$godfp" ]; then
417 godok=1
419 if [ -z "$godok" ]; then
420 die "GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY set to non-default location without --envok"
423 gdo="${GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY:-$gd/objects}"
424 tmp="$gdo"
425 gdo="$(cd "$gdo" && pwd -P)" || die "cd failed: $tmp"
426 [ -d "$gdo/pack" ] || die "no such directory: $gdo/pack"
427 gdop="$(cd "$gdo/pack" && pwd -P)" || die "cd failed: $gdo/pack"
428 zap="$dozap"
430 lastarg=
431 lastargopt=
432 packbase=
433 packbasearg=
434 nonopts=0
435 for arg; do
436 lastarg="$arg"
437 lastargopt=1
438 case "$arg" in
439 --replace|--names|--ignore-missing|-h|--help|--objects)
440 die "invalid options"
442 --revs|--unpacked|--all|--reflog|--indexed-objects)
443 die "forbidden pack-objects options"
449 lastargopt=
450 nonopts=$(( $nonopts + 1 ))
451 esac
452 done
453 if [ $# -gt 0 ] && [ $nonopts -gt 1 ] ||
454 { [ $nonopts -eq 1 ] && [ -n "$lastargopt" ]; } ||
455 { [ $nonopts -eq 1 ] && [ -z "$lastarg" ]; }; then
456 die "invalid options"
458 if [ $nonopts -eq 1 ]; then
459 packbase="$lastarg"
460 else
461 packbase="$gdop/pack"
463 pbd="$(dirname "$packbase")"
464 case "$pbd" in /*);;*)
465 pbd="$gd/$pbd"
466 esac
467 [ -e "$pbd" ] && [ -d "$pbd" ] || die "no such directory: $(dirname "$packbase")"
468 packbase="$(cd "$pbd" && pwd -P)/$(basename "$packbase")"
469 pbd="$(dirname "$packbase")"
470 [ -e "$pbd" ] && [ -d "$pbd" ] || die "internal failure realpathing: $packbase"
471 packbasecheck="$packbase"
472 case "$packbase" in "$gd"/?*)
473 packbase="${packbase#$gd/}"
474 esac
475 [ $nonopts -eq 1 ] || packbasearg="$packbase"
476 [ -z "$zap" ] || [ -n "$packbasearg" ] || die "--replace does not allow specifying pack-base"
477 if [ -n "$zap" ] && [ "$(dirname "$packbasecheck")" != "$gdop" ] ; then
478 die "--replace and pack base dir not <git-dir-objects>/pack" >&2
481 td="$(mktemp -d "$gd/cmbnpcks-XXXXXX")"
482 tdmin="$(basename "$td")"
483 failed="$td/failed"
484 listok="$td/listok"
485 packok="$td/packok"
486 popid="$td/popid"
487 success="$td/success"
488 cm="$tdmin/commits"
489 cmo="$tdmin/ordered"
490 tg="$tdmin/tags"
491 tr="$tdmin/trees"
492 bl="$tdmin/blobs"
493 ms="$tdmin/missing"
494 trbl="$tdmin/treesblobs"
495 named="$tdmin/named"
496 named2="$tdmin/named2"
498 get_pack_base() {
499 _name="$1"
500 case "$_name" in
501 $octet20*)
502 _name="$gdop/pack-$_name"
504 *.idx)
505 _name="${_name%.idx}"
507 *.pack)
508 _name="${_name%.pack}"
510 esac
511 if ! [ -e "$_name.idx" ] && ! [ -e "$_name.pack" ]; then
512 case "$_name" in */*) :;; *)
513 _name="$gdop/$_name"
514 esac
516 if ! [ -f "$_name.idx" ] || ! [ -s "$_name.idx" ] ||
517 ! [ -f "$_name.pack" ] || ! [ -s "$_name.pack" ]; then
518 [ -z "$ignoremiss" ] || return 0
519 die "no such pack found matching: $1" >&2
521 _name="$(cd "$(dirname "$_name")" && pwd -P)/$(basename "$_name")"
522 if ! [ -f "$_name.idx" ] || ! [ -s "$_name.idx" ] ||
523 ! [ -f "$_name.pack" ] || ! [ -s "$_name.pack" ]; then
524 die "internal failure realpathing: $1" >&2
526 _namecheck="$_name"
527 case "$(dirname "$_name")" in "$gd"/?*)
528 _name="${_name#$gd/}"
529 esac
530 if [ -n "$zap" ] && [ "$(dirname "$_namecheck")" != "$gdop" ]; then
531 die "--replace and pack not in <git-dir-objects>/pack: $1" >&2
533 echo "$_name"
534 return 0
537 # atomic cp
538 dupe_file() {
539 _dupetmp="$(mktemp "$(dirname "$2")/packtmp-XXXXXX")"
540 cp -fp "$1" "$_dupetmp"
541 mv -f "$_dupetmp" "$2"
544 # add "old" prefix to passed in existing files, but be careful to hard-link
545 # ALL the files to be renamed to the renamed name BEFORE removing anything
546 move_aside() {
547 for _f; do
548 ! [ -f "$_f" ] ||
549 ln -f "$_f" "$(dirname "$_f")/old$(basename "$_f")" >/dev/null 2>&1 ||
550 dupe_file "$_f" "$(dirname "$_f")/old$(basename "$_f")"
551 done
552 for _f; do
553 if [ -f "$_f" ]; then
554 rm -f "$_f"
555 ! test -f "$_f"
557 done
558 return 0
561 list_loose_objects() (
562 cd "$gdo" || return 1
563 objdirs="$(echo $octet)"
564 [ "$objdirs" != "$octet" ] || return 0
565 find -L $objdirs -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "$octet19*" -print | sed 's,/,,'
568 origdir="$PWD"
569 cd "$gd"
570 >"$cm"
571 >"$cmo"
572 >"$tr"
573 >"$bl"
574 if [ -n "$objectlist" ]; then
575 gcf='git cat-file $gcfbo --batch-check"$gcfbf"'
576 [ -z "$looselist" ] || gcf='{ list_loose_objects && cat; } | '"$gcf"
577 eval "$gcf"
578 else
579 [ -z "$zap" ] || command find -L "$gdop" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.$zap" -exec rm -f '{}' + || :
581 [ -z "$looselist" ] || list_loose_objects
582 while IFS=': ' read -r packraw junk; do
583 pack="$(cd "$origdir" && get_pack_base "$packraw" || die "no such pack: $packraw")"
584 if [ -n "$pack" ]; then
585 [ -z "$zap" ] || [ -e "$pack.keep" ] || >"$pack.$zap"
586 git show-index <"$pack.idx"
588 done | cut -d ' ' -f 2
589 } | git cat-file $gcfbo --batch-check"$gcfbf"
590 fi | awk '{
591 if ($2=="tree") print $1
592 else if ($2=="blob") print $1 >"'"$bl"'"
593 else if ($2=="commit") print $1 >"'"$cm"'"
594 else if ($2=="tag") print $1 >"'"$tg"'"
595 else if ($2=="missing") print $1 >"'"$ms"'"
596 }' | sort -u >"$tr"
597 [ -n "$missok" ] || ! [ -s "$ms" ] || die "missing" $(wc -l <"$ms") "object(s)"
598 echo "g" | cat "$tr" "$bl" - | sort -u >"$trbl"
599 if [ -z "$weak" ]; then
600 git rev-list --no-walk --objects --stdin <"$cm" |
601 awk '{
602 if ($1!=$0) print NR " " $0
603 else print $0 >"'"$cmo"'"
604 }' |
605 sort -t " " -k2,2 |
606 join -t " " -1 2 - "$trbl" >"$named"
607 join -t " " -v 1 "$tr" "$named" |
608 git rev-list --no-walk --objects --stdin |
609 awk '{print NR " " $0}' |
610 sort -t " " -k2,2 |
611 join -t " " -1 2 - "$trbl" >"$named2"
612 else
613 ! [ -s "$cm" ] || git rev-list --no-walk --stdin <"$cm" >"$cmo"
614 git cat-file $gcfbo --batch <"$tr" |
615 perl -e "$perlnameprog" |
616 sort -t " " -k2,2 |
617 join -t " " -1 2 - "$trbl" >"$named"
619 pocmd='git pack-objects --delta-base-offset "$@"'
620 [ -z "$packbasearg" ] || pocmd="$pocmd \"${packbasearg}tmp\""
622 cat "$cmo"
623 ! [ -s "$tg" ] || {
624 if [ -n "$noperl" ]; then
625 sort -u "$tg"
626 else
627 git cat-file $gcfbo --batch <"$tg" | perl -e "$perltagprog"
630 if [ -z "$weak" ]; then
632 join -t " " "$named" "$tr" |
633 sort -t " " -k2,2n
634 join -t " " "$named2" "$tr" |
635 sort -t " " -k2,2n
636 } | sed -e 's/\([^ ][^ ]*\) [^ ][^ ]*/\1/'
638 join -t " " -v 1 "$named" "$tr" |
639 sort -t " " -k2,2n
640 join -t " " -v 1 "$named2" "$tr" |
641 sort -t " " -k2,2n
642 } | awk -F '[ ]' '{
643 if (NF >= 3) {
644 nm = substr($0, length($1) + length($2) + 3)
645 sfx = nm
646 gsub(/[\t\n\013\f\r ]+/, "", sfx)
647 if (length(sfx)) {
648 if (length(sfx) > 16) sfx = substr(sfx, length(sfx) - 15)
649 else if (length(sfx) < 16) sfx = sprintf("%16s", sfx)
650 split(sfx, c, "")
651 r = c[16] c[15] c[14] c[13] c[12] c[11] c[10] c[9] c[8] c[7] c[6] c[5] c[4] c[3] c[2] c[1]
652 sub(/[ ]+$/, "", r)
653 print NR " " $1 " " r " " nm
654 } else print NR " " $1 " " nm
655 } else print NR " " $1 " "
656 }' | sort -t " " -k3,3 -k1,1n | awk -F '[ ]' '{
657 if (NF >= 4) {
658 nm = substr($0, length($1) + length($2) + length($3) + 4)
659 print $2 " " nm
660 } else print $2 " "
662 else
664 join -t " " "$named" "$tr" |
665 sort -t " " -k3,3 -k2,2n
666 join -t " " -v 1 "$named" "$tr" |
667 sort -t " " -k3,3 -k2,2n
668 } | awk -F '[ ]' '{
669 if (NF >= 4) {
670 nm = substr($0, length($1) + length($2) + length($3) + 4)
671 print $1 " " nm
672 } else print $1 " "
675 sort -u "$bl"
676 >"$listok"
677 } | {
678 sh -c 'echo $$ >"$1"; pocmd="$2"; shift; shift; eval "exec $pocmd"' sh "$popid" "$pocmd" "$@" || {
679 rm -f "$popid"
680 die "git pack-objects failed"
682 rm -f "$popid"
683 >"$packok"
685 while read -r newpack; do
686 if [ -n "$packbasearg" ]; then
687 move_aside "$packbasearg"-$newpack.*
688 ln -f "${packbasearg}tmp"-$newpack.pack "$packbasearg"-$newpack.pack
689 ln -f "${packbasearg}tmp"-$newpack.idx "$packbasearg"-$newpack.idx
690 rm -f "${packbasearg}tmp"-$newpack.*
692 [ -z "$names" ] || echo "$newpack"
693 done
694 [ $? -eq 0 ] && ! [ -e "$failed" ] && [ -e "$listok" ] && [ -e "$packok" ] ||
695 die "unspecified failure"
696 if [ -n "$zap" ]; then
697 (cd "$gdo" && [ -d "pack" ] && find -L "pack" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.$zap" -print) |
698 while read -r remove; do
699 rm -f "$gdo/${remove%.$zap}".*
700 done
702 >"$success"