detect .delaygc non-empty projects
[girocco.git] / Girocco /
1 package Girocco::ConfigUtil;
3 use 5.008;
4 use strict;
5 use warnings;
7 use Encode;
10 use base qw(Exporter);
11 our @EXPORT = qw(to_utf8 read_config_file read_config_file_hash git_bool);
14 my $encoder;
15 BEGIN {
16 $encoder = Encode::find_encoding('Windows-1252') ||
17 Encode::find_encoding('ISO-8859-1') or
18 die "failed to load ISO-8859-1 encoder\n";
21 sub to_utf8($;$) {
22 my ($str, $encode) = @_;
23 return undef unless defined $str;
24 my $ans;
25 if (Encode::is_utf8($str) || utf8::decode($str)) {
26 $ans = $str;
27 } else {
28 $ans = $encoder->decode($str, Encode::FB_DEFAULT);
30 utf8::encode($ans) if $encode;
31 return $ans;
34 my $cf_unesc;
35 BEGIN {
36 my %escvals = (
37 b => "\b",
38 t => "\t",
39 n => "\n",
40 '"' => '"',
41 '\\' => '\\'
43 $cf_unesc = sub {
44 $_[0] =~ s/\\([btn\042\\])/$escvals{$1}/g;
45 $_[0];
49 # mimics Git's config.c git_parse_source function behavior
50 # returns array of arrayref of key and value
51 # except that valueless booleans have a value of undef
52 sub read_config_file {
53 local $_;
54 my ($fn, $warn) = @_;
55 my $li = 0;
56 my $section = "";
57 my @vals = ();
58 open my $fh, '<', $fn or
59 $warn && warn("could not open \"$fn\": $!\n"), return(undef);
60 binmode($fh);
61 my $bad = sub {
62 close $fh;
63 warn "bad config line $li in file $fn\n" if $warn;
64 return undef;
66 while (<$fh>) {
67 ++$li;
68 s/(?:\r\n|\n)$//;
69 $_ = to_utf8($_);
70 s/^\x{feff}// if $li == 1;
71 utf8::encode($_);
72 if (/^\s*\[/gc) {
73 if (/\G([.a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\]/gc) {
74 $section = lc($1) . ".";
75 } elsif (/\G([.a-zA-Z0-9-]*)\s+"((?:[^\042\\\n]|\\.)*)"\]/gc) {
76 $section = lc($1) . "." .
77 &{sub{my $x=shift; $x =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g; $x}}($2) . ".";
78 } else {
79 return &$bad;
82 /\G\s+/gc;
83 next if /\G(?:[;#]|$)/;
84 if (/\G([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)[ \t]*/gc) {
85 my $k = $section . lc($1);
86 my $v;
87 if (/\G$/) {
88 $v = undef;
89 } elsif (/\G=\s*/gc) {
90 $v = "";
91 my $qt = 0;
93 if (/\G$/) {
94 last if !$qt;
95 return &$bad;
97 if (!$qt && /\G((?:[^"\\\n;#]|\\[btn"\\])+)/gc) {
98 my $a = $1;
99 if (/\G[;#]/) {
100 $_ = "";
101 $a =~ s/\s+$//;
103 $a =~ s/\s/ /g;
104 $v .= &$cf_unesc($a);
105 } elsif ($qt && /\G((?:[^"\\\n]|\\[btn"\\])+)/gc) {
106 my $a = $1;
107 $v .= &$cf_unesc($a);
108 } elsif (/\G\042/gc) {
109 $qt = !$qt;
110 } elsif (!$qt && /\G[;#]/gc) {
111 $_ = "";
112 } elsif (/\G\\$/) {
113 $_ = <$fh>;
114 if (defined($_)) {
115 ++$li;
116 s/(?:\r\n|\n)$//;
117 $_ = to_utf8($_, 1);
118 /^\s+/gc unless $v ne "" || $qt;
119 } else {
120 $_ = "";
122 } else {
123 return &$bad;
125 redo;
127 } else {
128 return &$bad;
130 push(@vals, [$k, $v]);
131 } else {
132 return &$bad;
135 close $fh;
136 return \@vals;
139 # Same as read_config_file except that a hashref is returned and
140 # subsequent same-key-name values replace earlier ones.
141 # Also valueless booleans are given the value 1
142 sub read_config_file_hash {
143 my $result = read_config_file(@_);
144 return undef unless defined($result);
145 my %config = map {($$_[0], defined($$_[1])?$$_[1]:1)} @$result;
146 return \%config;
149 # Returns 0 for false, 1 for true, undef for unrecognized or undef
150 # Unless the optional second argument is true in which case undef returns 1
151 sub git_bool {
152 defined($_[0]) or return $_[1] ? 1 : undef;
153 my $v = lc($_[0]);
154 return 0 if $v eq 'false' || $v eq 'off' || $v eq 'no' || $v eq '' || $v =~ /^[-+]?0+$/;
155 return 1 if $v eq 'true' || $v eq 'on' || $v eq 'yes' || $v =~ /^[-+]?0*[1-9][0-9]*$/;
156 return undef;