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1 # -- Installation Utility Dumper Functions
2 # Copyright (C) 2020,2021 Kyle J. McKay. All rights reserved.
4 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
6 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
7 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 # GNU General Public License for more details.
14 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
18 {package _Girocco::Dumper::HashLog;
20 use strict;
21 use warnings;
23 use Tie::Hash ();
24 use base qw(Tie::ExtraHash);
26 sub TIEHASH {
27 my $class = shift;
28 my $hr = $_[0];
29 ref($hr) eq 'HASH' or $hr = {};
30 my $self = bless([$hr, {}], $class);
31 return $self;
34 sub STORE {
35 my $self = shift;
36 ${$$self[1]}{$_[0]} = [$_[1]];
37 $self->SUPER::STORE(@_);
40 sub DELETE {
41 my $self = shift;
42 ${$$self[1]}{$_[0]} = [];
43 $self->SUPER::DELETE(@_);
48 package Girocco::Dumper;
50 use strict;
51 use warnings;
53 use base qw(Exporter);
56 BEGIN {
57 @EXPORT = qw();
58 @EXPORT_OK = qw(RequireENV Dump DumpENV Boilerplate Scalars FreezeConfig GetConfPath);
59 *VERSION = \'1.0';
62 use B ();
63 use Data::Dumper ();
65 my $_sortkeys;
66 BEGIN {$_sortkeys = sub {
67 package _Girocco::Dumper;
68 sort({uc($a) cmp uc($b) || $a cmp $b} keys(%{$_[0]}));
71 my $_dumpit;
72 BEGIN {$_dumpit = sub {
73 my $d = Data::Dumper->new([$_[0]],[$_[1]]);
74 $d->Purity(1)->Indent(1)->Useqq(1)->Quotekeys(0)->Sortkeys(1)->Deparse($_[2]||0);
75 $d->Dump;
78 my $_dumpstr;
79 BEGIN {$_dumpstr = sub {
80 my $d = Data::Dumper->new([$_[0]]);
81 $d->Purity(1)->Indent(0)->Useqq(1)->Quotekeys($_[1]||0)->Sortkeys(1)->Terse(1);
82 $d->Dump;
85 my $_dumpenv;
86 BEGIN {$_dumpenv = sub {
87 my ($k, $v) = @_;
88 return 'delete $ENV{'.&$_dumpstr($k)."};\n" unless @$v;
89 return '$ENV{'.&$_dumpstr($k).'} = '.&$_dumpstr($$v[0],1).";\n";
92 my $_scalarexists;
93 BEGIN {$_scalarexists = sub {
94 # *foo{SCALAR} returns a reference to an anonymous scalar if $foo
95 # has not been used yet thereby creating the scalar and "using" it.
96 # Later perls (5.9+) assign a special value that can be detected.
97 B::svref_2object($_[0])->SV->isa("B::SV") # isa will be false if it's "special"
98 # additionally ...SV->can("object_2svref") will be undef if it's "special"
101 sub Boilerplate {
102 return 'umask(umask() & ~0770);'."\n";
105 sub Scalars {
106 my $ns = shift;
107 my $hr = eval '\%'.$ns.'::';
108 my @result = ();
109 foreach (&$_sortkeys($hr)) {
110 my $gr = eval '\$'.$ns.'::{$_}';
111 push(@result, $_) if &$_scalarexists($gr) && !ref($$$gr);
113 return @result;
116 sub Dump {
117 my $ns = shift;
118 my $hr = eval '\%'.$ns.'::';
119 my $result = "";
120 foreach (&$_sortkeys($hr)) {
121 my $gr = eval '\$'.$ns.'::{$_}';
122 if (&$_scalarexists($gr)) {
123 $result .= "our ".&$_dumpit($$$gr, $_, ref($$$gr) eq 'CODE');
125 if (defined(*$$gr{ARRAY})) {
126 $result .= "our ".&$_dumpit(\@$$gr, '*'.$_);
128 if (defined(*$$gr{HASH})) {
129 $result .= "our ".&$_dumpit(\%$$gr, '*'.$_);
131 #if (defined(*$$gr{CODE})) {
132 # $result .= &$_dumpit(\&$$gr, '*'.$_, 1);
135 return $result;
138 sub RequireENV {
139 my $inmod = shift;
140 !ref($inmod) and $inmod = [ $inmod ];
141 ref($inmod) eq 'ARRAY' or die "invalid argument to RequireENV - must be scalar or ARRAY ref";
142 my @mod = ();
143 do {
144 /^(\w+(?:::\w+)*)$/ or die "invalid module name: '$_'";
145 push(@mod, $1);
146 } foreach @$inmod;
147 do {
148 my $modname = $_;
149 my $modkey = $modname;
150 $modkey =~ s{::}{/}gs;
151 $modkey .= '.pm';
152 !exists($INC{$modkey}) or die "RequireENV('$modname') called but '$modname' already in \%INC!\n";
153 } foreach @mod;
154 my $envlog;
155 my %env = %ENV;
157 my $logobj = tie(%ENV, '_Girocco::Dumper::HashLog', \%env);
158 eval 'require '.$_.';1' or die $@ foreach @mod;
159 $envlog = $$logobj[1];
161 untie(%ENV);
162 %ENV = %env;
163 return $envlog;
166 sub DumpENV {
167 my $envlog = shift;
168 my $result = "";
169 $result .= &$_dumpenv($_, $envlog->{$_}) foreach &$_sortkeys($envlog);
170 return $result;
173 sub FreezeConfig {
174 my ($usemod, $conf, $sub) = @_;
175 defined($conf) && $conf ne "" or $conf = 'Girocco::Config';
176 defined($usemod) && $usemod ne "" or $usemod = [$conf, 'Girocco::Validator'];
177 my $env = RequireENV($usemod);
178 # To avoid problems with taint mode, these four are always removed
179 $env->{IFS} = [];
180 $env->{CDPATH} = [];
181 $env->{ENV} = [];
182 $env->{BASH_ENV} = [];
183 # Always make sure PATH gets set explicitly to something
184 exists($env->{PATH}) && @{$env->{PATH}} or $env->{PATH} = [GetConfPath()];
185 if (exists($env->{PATH}) && @{$env->{PATH}}) {
186 # special handling for $ENV{PATH}
187 my $pval = ${$env->{PATH}}[0];
188 eval '$'.$conf.'::path = $pval;1' or die $@;
190 &$sub($conf) if ref($sub) eq 'CODE';
191 return "package $conf;\n" . Dump($conf) . DumpENV($env) .
192 Boilerplate() . "1;\n";
195 sub GetConfPath {
196 local ($ENV{IFS}, $ENV{CDPATH}, $ENV{ENV}, $ENV{BASH_ENV});
197 local $ENV{PATH} = "/usr/bin:/bin";
198 my $cs_path = qx(getconf PATH 2>/dev/null);
199 defined($cs_path) or $cs_path = "";
200 chomp $cs_path; $cs_path =~ s/^\s+//; $cs_path =~ s/\s+$//;
201 $cs_path = join(":", grep(!m{/[.]}, grep(m{^/.},
202 split(/\s*:+\s*/, $cs_path))));
203 $cs_path =~ m{^(/.+)$} and $cs_path = $1;
204 $cs_path ne "" or $cs_path = $ENV{PATH};
205 return $cs_path;