html/volunteers: clean up some old style `/w` links
[girocco.git] / Girocco / extra / CGI /
1 package CGI::FCGI;
3 # CGI::FCGI -- Alternative Pure Perl CGI::Fast and FCGI implementation
4 # Copyright (C) 2015,2016,2017,2020,2021 Kyle J. McKay.
5 # All rights reserved.
7 # Licensed under the same license as Perl OR GNU GPL v2 or later
8 # There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
9 # See license below starting with '=head1 LICENSE'
11 # See documentation below starting with '=head1'
13 # MUST be used BEFORE CGI::Fast and FCGI.
15 $CGI::FCGI::VERSION = '1.0.1';
17 use strict;
18 use warnings;
20 use Errno;
21 use Socket;
22 use Carp 'croak';
23 use CGI;
24 our @ISA = ('CGI');
26 BEGIN {
27 my $subtoname = sub {
28 my $name = shift;
29 $name =~ s,::,/,g;
30 "$"
32 my $name = $subtoname->(__PACKAGE__);
33 $INC{$name} = __FILE__ if !$INC{$name};
34 foreach my $pkg (qw(CGI::Fast FCGI)) {
35 my $pkgn = $subtoname->($pkg);
36 croak "Must `use ".__PACKAGE__.";` ".
37 "BEFORE `use $pkg;`!"
38 if $INC{$pkgn} && $INC{$pkgn} ne $INC{$name};
39 $INC{$pkgn} = $INC{$name};
43 my %PARAMS;
44 my %ROLES;
45 BEGIN {
46 %PARAMS = (
47 FCGI_MAX_CONNS => 1, # Maximum concurrent connections
48 FCGI_MAX_REQS => 1, # Max concurrent requests on a connection
49 FCGI_MPXS_CONNS => 0, # No multiplexing capabilities here
51 %ROLES = (
52 1 => "RESPONDER",
53 2 => "AUTHORIZER",
54 3 => "FILTER", # Not currently supported
58 sub IsFCGI {
59 open my $fh, '+<&0' or return 0;
60 return 0 unless getsockname $fh;
61 defined(my $st = getsockopt($fh, SOL_SOCKET, SO_TYPE)) or return 0;
62 $st = unpack("i", $st);
63 defined($st) && $st == SOCK_STREAM or return 0;
64 return 0 if getpeername $fh;
65 return $!{ENOTCONN} ? 1 : 0;
68 sub save_request {
69 # Make sure state's not saved
72 my $is_inited;
73 my %fcgi;
74 my %active;
75 my $generation;
77 BEGIN {
78 $generation = 1;
81 sub _init {
82 return unless !$is_inited;
83 $is_inited = 1;
84 undef %active;
85 undef %fcgi;
86 croak 'STDIN_FILENO (0) is not an accept socket' unless IsFCGI;
87 local *ASOCK;
88 open ASOCK, '<&=0' or croak 'STDIN_FILENO (0) is not valid';
89 $fcgi{'asock'} = *ASOCK;
92 sub _write_all {
93 use bytes;
94 my $fh = shift;
95 my $data = shift;
96 return unless defined $data;
97 my $offset = 0;
98 my $len = length $data;
99 while ($len) {
100 my $cnt = syswrite $fh, $data, $len, $offset;
101 next if !defined($cnt) && $!{EINTR};
102 croak "syswrite failed: $!" unless defined $cnt;
103 croak "syswrite of $len wrote 0" unless $cnt;
104 $offset += $cnt;
105 $len -= $cnt;
109 sub _read_all {
110 use bytes;
111 my $fh = shift;
112 my $cnt = shift;
113 my $eofok = shift;
114 return undef unless defined $cnt && $cnt >= 0;
115 my $data = '';
116 my $len = 0;
117 while ($len < $cnt) {
118 my $r = sysread $fh, $data, $cnt - $len, $len;
119 next if !defined($r) && $!{EINTR};
120 croak "sysread failed: $!" unless defined $r;
121 return '' if $eofok && !$r && !$len; # EOF at beginning okay
122 croak "sysread of @{[$cnt - $len]} read 0" unless $r;
123 $len += $r;
125 return $data;
128 sub _read_discard {
129 use bytes;
130 my $fh = shift;
131 my $cnt = shift;
132 return undef unless defined $cnt && $cnt >= 0;
133 my $len = 0;
134 while ($len < $cnt) {
135 my $data;
136 my $r = sysread $fh, $data, 32768;
137 next if !defined($r) && $!{EINTR};
138 croak "sysread failed: $!" unless defined $r;
139 croak "sysread of 32768 read 0" unless $r;
140 $len += $r;
142 return $cnt;
145 sub _read_one_var {
146 use bytes;
147 my $data = shift;
148 my $offset = shift || 0;
149 my $discardvalue = shift || 0;
150 my $len = length($data);
151 croak "_read_one_var invalid input" unless $offset >= 0 && $offset + 3 <= $len;
152 my $ptr = $offset;
153 my $nlen = unpack('C', substr($data, $ptr++, 1));
154 if ($nlen & 0x80) {
155 croak "_read_one_var invalid input" unless $ptr + 5 <= $len;
156 my @bytes = unpack('CCC', substr($data, $ptr, 3));
157 $ptr += 3;
158 $nlen = (($nlen & 0x7f) << 24) | ($bytes[0] << 16) |
159 ($bytes[1] << 8) | $bytes[2];
161 my $vlen = unpack('C', substr($data, $ptr++, 1));
162 if ($vlen & 0x80) {
163 croak "_read_one_var invalid input" unless $ptr + 4 <= $len;
164 my @bytes = unpack('CCC', substr($data, $ptr, 3));
165 $ptr += 3;
166 $vlen = (($vlen & 0x7f) << 24) | ($bytes[0] << 16) |
167 ($bytes[1] << 8) | $bytes[2];
169 croak "FCGI out of bounds var name/value length" if $ptr + $nlen + $vlen > $len;
170 if (!$nlen) {
171 _read_discard($fcgi{'csock'}, $nlen + $vlen);
172 return ("_ZERO_LENGTH_VAR_NAME", "", $ptr - $offset + $nlen + $vlen);
174 if ($nlen > 256) {
175 _read_discard($fcgi{'csock'}, $nlen + $vlen);
176 return ("_TOO_LONG_VAR_NAME", "", $ptr - $offset + $nlen + $vlen);
178 if ($vlen > 32768) {
179 _read_discard($fcgi{'csock'}, $nlen + $vlen);
180 return ("_TOO_LONG_VAR_VAL", "", $ptr - $offset + $nlen + $vlen);
182 return (substr($data, $ptr, $nlen),
183 ($discardvalue ? undef : substr($data, $ptr+$nlen, $vlen)),
184 $ptr - $offset + $nlen + $vlen);
187 sub _encode_length {
188 use bytes;
189 my $l = shift;
190 return pack('C', ($l & 0x7f)) if $l < 128;
191 my $b3 = $l & 0xff;
192 $l >>= 8;
193 my $b2 = $l & 0xff;
194 $l >>= 8;
195 my $b1 = $l & 0xff;
196 $l >>= 8;
197 my $b0 = $l | 0x80;
198 return pack('CCCC', $b3, $b2, $b1, $b0);
201 sub _encode_one_var {
202 my ($n, $v) = @_;
203 return _encode_length(length($n)).
204 _encode_length(length($v)).
205 $n.$v;
208 sub _get_padding {
209 use bytes;
210 my $len = shift;
211 my $rem = $len & 0x7;
212 return '' unless $rem;
213 return pack('C', 0) x (8 - $rem);
216 sub _write_stream {
217 use bytes;
218 my $fh = shift;
219 my $type = shift;
220 my $rid = shift;
221 my $data = shift;
222 my $force = shift;
223 return unless ($type == 6 || $type == 7) && length($data) || $force;
224 while (length($data) > 65535) {
225 _write_all($fh, pack('CCnnCC', 1, $type, $rid, 32768, 0, 0).substr($data, 0, 32768));
226 substr($data, 0, 32768) = '';
228 my $padding = _get_padding(length($data));
229 _write_all($fh, pack('CCnnCC', 1, $type, $rid, length($data), length($padding), 0).$data.$padding);
232 sub _write_end_stream {
233 my $fh = shift;
234 my $type = shift;
235 my $rid = shift;
236 return _write_stream($fh, $type, $rid, '', 1);
239 sub _write_end_request {
240 use bytes;
241 my $fh = shift;
242 my $rid = shift;
243 my $pstat = shift || 0;
244 my $astat = shift || 0;
245 _write_all($fh, pack('CCnnCCNCCCC',
246 1, 3, $rid, 8, 0, 0, $astat, $pstat, 0, 0, 0));
249 sub _handle_unknown_packet {
250 my ($fh, $rid, $clen, $plen) = @_;
251 croak "FCGI invalid unkown packet content length $clen (must be >= 1)"
252 unless $clen >= 1;
253 my $t = _read_all($fh, 1);
254 _read_discard($fh, $clen + $plen - 1);
255 _write_all($fh, pack('CCnnCCCCCCCCCC',
256 1, 11, $rid, 8, 0, 0, unpack('C', $t), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
259 sub _handle_get_params {
260 my ($fh, $rid, $clen, $plen) = @_;
261 my $varnames = _read_all($fh, $clen);
262 _read_discard($fh, $plen);
263 my @v = ();
264 my $offset = 0;
265 my $len = length($varnames);
266 while ($offset < $len) {
267 my ($n, undef, $b) = _read_one_var($varnames, $offset, 1);
268 push(@v, $n);
269 $offset += $b;
271 my $vars = '';
272 $vars = join('',
273 map({exists($PARAMS{$_}) ? _encode_one_var($_, $PARAMS{$_}) : ()} @v))
274 unless $rid;
275 _write_stream($fh, 10, $rid, $vars, 1);
278 # Can only return types 1, 2, 4, 5, or 8
279 # And for types 1 and 2 the packet is fully read along with its padding
280 sub _read_packet {
281 my $fh = shift;
282 my $eofok = shift;
283 my $done;
284 my ($type, $rid, $clen, $plen);
286 my $request = _read_all($fh, 8, $eofok);
287 return undef if !defined($request) && $eofok;
288 my $vers;
289 ($vers, $type, $rid, $clen, $plen) = unpack('CCnnC', $request);
290 croak "FCGI bad packet header version $vers (should be 1)"
291 unless $vers == 1;
292 croak "FCGI invalid packet type $type (should be 1..11)"
293 unless $type >= 1 && $type <= 11;
294 croak "FCGI unexpected packet type $type (should be 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9 or 11)"
295 if $type == 3 || $type == 6 || $type == 7 || $type == 10;
296 _handle_get_params($fh, $rid, $clen, $plen), redo if $type == 9;
297 _handle_unknown_packet($fh, $rid, $clen, $plen), redo if $type == 11;
298 croak "FCGI invalid BEGIN content length $clen (should be 8)"
299 if $type == 1 && $clen != 8;
300 croak "FCGI invalid ABORT content length $clen (should be 0)"
301 if $type == 2 && $clen != 0;
302 croak "FCGI invalid requestId == 0 for BEGIN/ABORT/PARAMS/STDIN/DATA"
303 if ($type <= 2 || $type == 4 || $type == 5 || $type == 8) && !$rid;
305 my ($role, $flags);
306 if ($type == 1) {
307 my $begin = _read_all($fh, $clen);
308 _read_discard($fh, $plen);
309 ($role, $flags) = unpack('nC', $begin);
311 if ($type == 2) {
312 _read_discard($fh, $plen);
314 return ($type, $rid, $clen, $plen, $role, $flags);
317 sub _close_active {
318 return unless $active{'active'};
319 my $pstat = shift || 0;
320 my $astat = shift || 0;
321 my $done = shift || 0;
322 _write_end_stream($fcgi{'csock'}, 6, $active{'active'}) if $done;
323 _write_end_request($fcgi{'csock'}, $active{'active'}, $pstat, $astat);
324 *STDIN = $active{'STDIN'};
325 *STDOUT = $active{'STDOUT'};
326 *STDERR = $active{'STDERR'};
327 %ENV = %{$active{'ENV'}};
328 $/ = $active{'RS'};
329 unless ($active{'keep'}) {
330 close($fcgi{'csock'});
331 undef $fcgi{'csock'};
333 undef %active;
334 ++$generation;
337 sub _next_request {
338 _init unless $is_inited;
339 _close_active(0, 0, 1) if $active{'active'};
341 RETRY:
342 while (!$active{'active'}) {
343 while (!$fcgi{'csock'}) {
344 local *CSOCK;
345 unless (accept(CSOCK, $fcgi{'asock'})) {
346 next if $!{EINTR} || $!{ECONNABORTED};
347 croak "accept failed: $!";
349 $fcgi{'csock'} = *CSOCK;
351 my ($type, $rid, $clen, $plen, $role, $flags) = _read_packet($fcgi{'csock'}, 1);
352 if (!$type) {
353 close($fcgi{'csock'});
354 undef $fcgi{'csock'};
355 next;
357 _read_discard($fcgi{'csock'}, $clen+$plen), redo if $type == 5 || $type == 8;
358 croak "FCGI unexpected packet type $type (expecting 1 -- BEGIN)"
359 unless $type == 1;
360 if ($role != 1 && $role != 2) {
361 _write_end_request($fcgi{'csock'}, $rid, 3);
362 unless($flags & 0x01) {
363 close($fcgi{'csock'});
364 undef $fcgi{'csock'};
366 next;
368 $active{'active'} = $rid;
369 $active{'role'} = $role;
370 $active{'keep'} = 1 if $flags & 0x01;
371 $active{'STDIN'} = *STDIN;
372 $active{'STDOUT'} = *STDOUT;
373 $active{'STDERR'} = *STDERR;
374 my %saveenv = %ENV;
375 $active{'ENV'} = \%saveenv;
376 $active{'RS'} = $/;
378 my %vars = ();
380 my ($type, $rid, $clen, $plen) = _read_packet($fcgi{'csock'});
381 if ($type == 1) {
382 _write_end_request($fcgi{'sock'}, $rid, 1)
383 unless $rid == $active{'active'};
384 redo;
386 redo unless $rid == $active{'active'};
387 if ($type == 2) {
388 _close_active;
389 goto RETRY;
391 croak "FCGI unexpected packet type $type (expecting 4 -- PARAMS)"
392 unless $type == 4;
393 if ($clen) {
394 my $vars = _read_all($fcgi{'csock'}, $clen);
395 _read_discard($plen);
396 my $offset = 0;
397 my $len = length($vars);
398 while ($offset < $len) {
399 my ($n, $v, $b) = _read_one_var($vars, $offset);
400 $vars{$n} = $v;
401 $offset += $b;
403 redo;
404 } else {
405 _read_discard($plen);
407 $vars{'FCGI_ROLE'} = $ROLES{$active{'role'}}; # We must add this
409 # Tie the streams, set %ENV and off we go!
410 local *TI;
411 tie *TI, 'CGI::FCGI::IStream' or croak "CGI::FCGI::IStream tie STDIN failed";
412 local *TO;
413 tie *TO, 'CGI::FCGI::OStream', 6 or croak "CGI::FCGI::IStream tie STDOUT failed";
414 local *TE;
415 tie *TE, 'CGI::FCGI::OStream', 7 or croak "CGI::FCGI::IStream tie STDERR failed";
416 *STDIN = *TI;
417 *STDOUT = *TO;
418 *STDERR = *TE;
419 my ($n, $v);
420 $ENV{$n} = $v while ($n,$v) = each %vars;
423 sub _read_more {
424 my $min = shift || 1;
425 return '' unless $active{'active'};
426 my $ans = '';
427 while (!$active{'eof'} && $min > 0) {
428 my ($type, $rid, $clen, $plen) = _read_packet($fcgi{'csock'});
429 if ($type == 1) {
430 _write_end_request($fcgi{'sock'}, $rid, 1)
431 unless $rid == $active{'active'};
432 redo;
434 redo unless $rid == $active{'active'};
435 if ($type == 2) {
436 _close_active(0, 1);
437 exit(1);
439 croak "FCGI unexpected packet type $type (expecting 5 -- STDIN)"
440 unless $type == 5;
441 my $input = _read_all($fcgi{'csock'}, $clen);
442 _read_discard($fcgi{'sock'}, $plen);
443 $min -= length($input);
444 $active{'eof'} = 1 unless length($input);
445 $ans .= $input;
447 return $ans;
450 sub _write_more {
451 my $type = shift;
452 my $data = shift;
453 return unless $active{'active'};
454 _write_stream($fcgi{'csock'}, $type, $active{'active'}, $data)
455 if defined($data) && length($data);
458 sub _get_new_class {
459 use Carp 'croak';
460 my ($class, $package) = @_;
461 $package or $package = __PACKAGE__;
462 my $try = ref $class || $class || $package;
463 UNIVERSAL::isa($try, $package)
464 or croak "Cannot call ${package}::new with a class ($try)".
465 " that does not inherit from $package";
466 return $try;
469 sub new {
470 my $class = _get_new_class(shift);
471 $CGI::Q = undef;
472 CGI->_reset_globals();
473 $class->_setup_symbols(@CGI::SAVED_SYMBOLS) if @CGI::SAVED_SYMBOLS;
474 _next_request;
475 my $self = $CGI::Q = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
476 $self->{'.fcgi_generation'} = $generation if $self;
477 return $self;
480 sub DESTROY {
481 my $self = shift;
482 $self->SUPER::DESTROY if $self->can('SUPER::DESTROY');
483 _close_active(0, 0, 1)
484 if $active{'active'} && $self->{'.fcgi_generation'} == $generation;
487 sub CGI::FCGI::Raw::new {
488 my $class = _get_new_class(shift, 'CGI::FCGI::Raw');
489 _next_request;
490 my $self = {};
491 bless $self, $class;
492 $self->{'.fcgi_generation'} = $generation if $self;
493 return $self;
496 sub CGI::FCGI::Raw::DESTROY {
497 my $self = shift;
498 _close_active(0, 0, 1)
499 if $active{'active'} && $self->{'.fcgi_generation'} == $generation;
502 sub CGI::FCGI::Raw::ResetCGI {
503 $CGI::Q = undef;
504 CGI->_reset_globals();
505 CGI->_setup_symbols(@CGI::SAVED_SYMBOLS) if @CGI::SAVED_SYMBOLS;
509 package CGI::FCGI::IStream;
511 use Carp 'croak';
513 sub TIEHANDLE {
514 my $class = shift;
515 my $self = {};
516 $self->{'buffer'} = '';
517 return bless $self, $class;
520 sub BINMODE {
521 return 1;
524 sub FILENO {
525 return undef;
528 sub _read_more {
529 my $self = shift;
530 my $min = shift;
531 if (!$self->{'eof'}) {
532 my $more = CGI::FCGI::_read_more($min);
533 $self->{'eof'} = 1 if !length($more);
534 $self->{'buffer'} .= $more;
538 sub EOF {
539 my $self = shift;
540 $self->_read_more
541 if !$self->{'eof'} && !length($self->{'buffer'});
542 return $self->{'eof'} ? 1 : 0;
545 sub GETC {
546 my $self = shift;
547 $self->_read_more
548 if !$self->{'eof'} && !length($self->{'buffer'});
549 return undef unless length($self->{'buffer'});
550 my $c = substr($self->{'buffer'}, 0, 1);
551 substr($self->{'buffer'}, 0, 1) = '';
552 return $c;
555 sub READ {
556 my ($self, undef, $length, $offset) = @_;
557 my $bufref = \$_[1];
558 $offset = 0 unless defined($offset);
559 $$bufref = '' unless defined($$bufref);
560 croak "CGI::FCGI::IStream::READ invalid length $length"
561 if $length < 0;
562 $offset += length($$bufref) if $offset < 0;
563 croak "CGI::FCGI::IStream::READ invalid read offset"
564 if $offset > length($$bufref);
565 $self->_read_more(length($self->{'buffer'} - $length))
566 if length($self->{'buffer'}) < $length;
567 $length = length($self->{'buffer'}) if $length > length($self->{'buffer'});
568 substr($$bufref, $offset) = substr($self->{'buffer'}, 0, $length);
569 substr($self->{'buffer'}, 0, $length) = '';
570 return $length;
573 sub _read_line {
574 my $self = shift;
575 if (ref($/) eq 'SCALAR') {
576 $self->_read_more(${$/} - length($self->{'buffer'}))
577 if !$self->{'eof'} && length($self->{'buffer'}) < ${$/};
578 my $ans = substr($self->{'buffer'}, 0, ${$/});
579 substr($self->{'buffer'}, 0, ${$/}) = '';
580 return $ans;
581 } elsif (defined($/)) {
582 my $pos = -1;
583 my $offset = 0;
584 my $d = $/ eq '' ? "\n\n" : $/;
585 while (($pos = index($self->{'buffer'}, $d, $offset)) < 0 && !$self->{'eof'}) {
586 $offset += length($self->{'buffer'}) - (length($d) - 1);
587 $self->_read_more;
589 if ($pos >= 0) {
590 $pos += length($d);
591 my $cpos = $pos;
592 if ($/ eq '') {{
593 $self->_read_more
594 if !$self->{'eeof'} && length($self->{'buffer'}) <= $pos;
595 ++$pos, redo
596 if substr($self->{'buffer'}, $pos, 1) eq "\n";
598 my $ans = substr($self->{'buffer'}, 0, $cpos);
599 substr($self->{'buffer'}, 0, $pos) = '';
600 return $ans;
602 } else {
603 $self->_read_more(32768) while !$self->{'eof'};
605 return undef unless length($self->{'buffer'});
606 my $ans = $self->{'buffer'};
607 $self->{'buffer'} = '';
608 return $ans;
611 sub READLINE {
612 my $self = shift;
613 if (wantarray) {
614 my @a = ();
615 my $l;
616 push(@a, $l) while defined($l = $self->_read_line);
617 return @a;
618 } else {
619 return $self->_read_line;
623 sub CLOSE {
624 return 1;
627 sub DESTROY {
630 package CGI::FCGI::OStream;
632 use Carp 'croak';
634 sub TIEHANDLE {
635 my $class = shift;
636 my $type = shift;
637 my $self = {};
638 $self->{'type'} = $type;
639 return bless $self, $class;
642 sub BINMODE {
643 return 1;
646 sub FILENO {
647 return undef;
650 sub EOF {
651 return 0;
654 sub CLOSE {
655 return 1;
658 sub DESTROY {
661 sub PRINTF {
662 my $self = shift;
663 my $template = shift;
664 return $self->PRINT(sprintf $template, @_);
667 sub PRINT {goto &FCGI::Stream::PRINT}
669 sub FCGI::Stream::PRINT {
670 my $self = shift;
671 CGI::FCGI::_write_more($self->{'type'}, join('', @_));
672 return 1;
675 sub WRITE {
676 my $self = shift;
677 my ($scalar, $length, $offset) = @_;
678 $scalar = '' if !defined($scalar);
679 $length = length($scalar) if !defined($length);
680 croak "CGI::FCGI::OStream::WRITE invalid length $length"
681 if $length < 0;
682 $offset = 0 if !defined($offset);
683 $offset += length($scalar) if $offset < 0;
684 croak "CGI::FCGI::OStream::WRITE invalid write offset"
685 if $offset < 0 || $offset > $length;
686 my $max = length($scalar) - $offset;
687 $length = $max if $length > $max;
688 $self->PRINT(substr($scalar, $offset, $length));
689 return $length;
692 package FCGI;
694 use Carp 'croak';
696 sub new {croak 'FCGI->new is not permitted when `use CGI::FCGI;` is in effect'}
698 package CGI::Fast;
700 our @ISA = ('CGI::FCGI');
702 sub new {goto &CGI::FCGI::new}
706 =head1 NAME
708 CGI::FCGI - Alternative CGI::Fast and FCGI Interface
710 =head1 SYNOPSIS
712 use CGI::FCGI;
713 use CGI qw/ :standard /;
715 my $maxrequests = 1;
716 my $CGI = 'CGI';
717 if (CGI::FCGI::IsFCGI) {
718 $CGI = 'CGI::Fast';
719 $maxrequests = 100;
722 while (my $q = $CGI->new) {
723 ProcessRequest($q);
724 last unless --$maxrequests;
727 sub ProcessRequest {
728 my $r = shift;
730 # Perform standard CGI processing for one request
735 =head1 DESCRIPTION
737 CGI::FCGI is intended as a bare bones Pure Perl replacement for
738 both CGI::Fast and FCGI. It's lightweight and supports the most
739 common use case of wanting to support FastCGI but missing one
740 or both of the CGI::Fast and FCGI modules.
742 It only supports 'RESPONDER' and 'AUTHORIZER' roles (the
743 'RESPONDER' role corresponding to standard CGI applications) and it
744 only handles one request at a time on one socket at a time. For
745 compatibility with, the FCGI_ROLE environment variable is always
746 set to either "RESPONDER" or "AUTHORIZER".
748 Nevertheless, this is quite sufficient to reap a huge performance
749 gain as Perl need not be restarted once for every CGI request.
751 Note that just like FCGI, input/output is always byte oriented so
752 the caller is responsible for decoding/encoding as needed. To
753 facilitate compatibility with the standard FCGI, the tied output
754 streams call a FCGI::Stream::PRINT function which contains the
755 actual PRINT implementation and may be head-patched in exactly
756 the same manner as the standard FCGI::Stream::PRINT implemention
757 to provide UTF-8 encoding on output.
759 Other than CGI::Fast::new and FCGI::Stream::PRINT, B<none> of the
760 other standard CGI::Fast or FCGI functions are provided!
762 Remember, if using CGI::FCGI::Raw to allow custom handling of any
763 'POST' data, the data B<MUST> be read from <STDIN> and B<NOT>
764 the <ARGV> file handle which is also known as <>.
766 =head1 FUNCTIONS
768 =over 4
770 =item CGI::FCGI::IsFCGI
772 Returns true if STDIN_FILENO appears to be a FastCGI socket.
774 As there's not a direct equivalent in CGI::Fast or FCGI, don't
775 call this if code is to be interchangeable between CGI::FCGI and
776 CGI::Fast.
778 =item CGI::FCGI::new
780 Returns a new CGI instance for the next request. Returns undef
781 if the listen socket has been closed. All arguments are passed
782 on up to CGI::new.
784 =item CGI::Fast::new
786 Convenient alias for CGI::FCGI::new, all arguments are passed
787 on up to CGI::new.
789 =item CGI::FCGI::Raw::new
791 Returns a new instance for the next request that is B<NOT> a CGI instance.
792 This is similar to FCGI::Request()->Accept() but can be used in a loop just the
793 same way CGI::FCGI::new (or the equivalent CGI::Fast::new) can. While the
794 returned instance is alive, STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR and %ENV are directed to the
795 request being serviced (in just the same way as for CGI::FCGI::new), but
796 B<none> of the CGI processing happens (e.g. slurping up 'POST' data, parsing
797 QUERY_STRING, etc.) as the instance is B<NOT> a CGI instance and for the same
798 reason B<NONE> of the standard CGI methods are available on the instance.
799 No arguments are passed up to CGI since the new instance is B<NOT> a CGI.
800 Returns undef if the listen socket has been closed. However, it is possible
801 to explicitly create a new CGI instance (CGI->new) after calling this function
802 provided the CGI global state has first been reset to its normal "empty" state.
803 See the CGI::FCGI::Raw::ResetCGI function for help with this.
805 =item CGI::FCGI::Raw::ResetCGI
807 Resets the global CGI state so that a call to CGI->new will create a new
808 CGI instance from the current environment in %ENV without being influenced by a
809 previously handled request.
811 Do B<NOT> call this unless the "Raw" interface is being used! The regular
812 interface (CGI::FCGI::new or CGI::Fast::new) takes care of this automatically.
814 When using the "Raw" interface (i.e. CGI::FCGI::Raw::new) B<AND> then calling
815 CGI->new directly, this function should be called B<AFTER> CGI::FCGI::Raw::new
816 but B<BEFORE> CGI->new to make sure that CGI->new doesn't return an instance
817 with leftover configuration and/or data from a previously handled request.
819 =item FCGI::Stream::PRINT
821 All stream output passes through this function which may be head-patched
822 to perform custom processing such as UTF-8 encoding. This is the same
823 name used by the standard FCGI module for compatibility.
825 =back
827 =head1 LIMITATIONS
829 Although the implementation is Pure Perl, it I<does> make heavy use of
830 the socket functions so may not function properly on platforms where the
831 socket functions are not available or only partially supported.
833 This module must be use'd B<before> CGI::Fast and FCGI otherwise it
834 will die with a fatal error.
836 While a request is active, STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR and %ENV are temporarily
837 altered and there's no option to do otherwise.
839 When a new request is started, the current values of the STDIN, STDOUT,
840 STDERR, %ENV and $/ variables are preserved before tying STDIN, STDOUT,
841 STDERR and adding received variables to %ENV.
843 When the request ends (i.e. it's DESTROY'd) those variables are restored
844 to the values they had just prior to the start of the request therefore
845 changes to any of those variables during the processing of a request are,
846 deliberately, nonpersistent.
848 =head1 LICENSE
850 =over
852 =item CGI::FCGI Copyright (C) 2015,2016,2017,2020,2021 Kyle J. McKay.
854 =item All rights reserved.
856 =back
858 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
859 it under the same terms as Perl itself or under the terms of the
860 GNU General Public License version 2 (or, at your option, any later
861 version).
863 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
864 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
867 Address feedback to mackyle <at>
869 =head1 BUGS
871 Hopefully squashed.
873 =head1 SEE ALSO
875 CGI, CGI::Fast, FCGI
877 =cut