add worktree subcommand
[girocco.git] / toolbox / reports /
1 #!/bin/sh
3 # Report on project repository status.
4 # Output can be sent as email to admin with -m
5 # Automatically runs with nice and ionice (if available)
7 set -e
9 datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z'
10 startdate="$(date "+$datefmt")"
12 . @basedir@/
13 PATH="$cfg_basedir/bin:${PATH:-$(/usr/bin/getconf PATH)}"
14 export PATH
16 USAGE="${0##*/} [-hmEW] [--full] [<project>...]"
17 HELP="
19 ${0##*/} - report on \"health\" of Girocco repositories
25 The ${0##*/} script checks all Girocco repositories for
26 consistency and includes a count of empty repositories as well.
28 The results can automatically be mailed to the Girocco admin or
29 simply displayed on STDOUT or optionally suppressed if there are
30 no errors or warnings.
32 Note that this utility currently provides absolutely no progress
33 reporting even when run on a terminal so there will be no output
34 whatsoever until all projects have been checked.
36 The \"checking\" runs using nice and, if available, ionice.
38 Projects not listed in \$chroot/etc/group will not be checked.
41 -h show this help
43 -m e-mail results to the \$Girocco::Config::admin address.
44 This option suppresses output to STDOUT.
46 -E Suppress output (i.e. no e-mail will be sent if -m has been used)
47 unless at least one error has been detected. If this flag is
48 used WITHOUT -W and warnings occur, output will still be
49 suppressed.
51 -W Suppress output unless at least one error or warning has been
52 detected. This flag overrides -E and will always produce output
53 when only warnings are detected.
55 --full Run a full \"git fsck\" check on each repository. Without this
56 option a much, much, much (5x or more) faster check is done on
57 each repository using \"git rev-list --objects --all\" that will
58 verify all objects reachable from any ref are present but does
59 not perform all the validation checks nor does it verify the
60 integrity of 'blob' objects (just that they are present).
62 If the default Girocco 'transfer.fsckObjects=true' option has
63 been left intact, use of the \"--full\" option should not
64 normally be necessary.
66 --no-full
67 Disables --full. Present for completeness.
69 --reflog
70 Check ref logs too. Implied by \"--full\" but not by \"--no-full\".
72 --indexed-objects
73 Check indexed objects too. Implied by \"--full\" but not by
74 \"--no-full\". Requires Git version 2.2.0 or later if not using
75 the \"--full\" option to do it.
77 --list Show a list of all projects checked in the order checked.
78 This is the default if any specific projects are given.
80 --no-list
81 Do NOT show a list of each project name checked.
82 This is the default when all projects are being checked.
84 <project>
85 Optionally one or more Girocco project names may be given to
86 check only those projects.
89 Leave Girocco's default 'transfer.fsckObjects=true' setting alone and
90 have a cron job run this utility in the default --no-full mode using the
91 -m and -E options once a week to detect repository corruption.
93 The default --no-full mode will detect any fatal errors with all
94 reachable 'tag', 'commit' and 'tree' objects. The --no-full mode will
95 detect missing 'blob' objects but not corrupt 'blob' objects.
97 The --no-full mode is an order of magnitude faster than --full mode and
98 does not complain about non-fatal object errors.
101 usage() {
102 if [ "${1:-1}" = "1" ]; then
103 printf 'usage: %s\n' "$USAGE" >&2
104 return 0
106 printf '%s\n' "$HELP"
109 mailresult=
110 minoutput=0 # 0 => always output, 1 => if warn or err, 2 => if err
111 fullcheck=
112 onlylist=
113 shownames=
114 reflog=
115 indexedobj=
117 while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
118 if [ "${1#-[!-]?}" != "$1" ]; then
119 _rest="${1#-?}"
120 _next="${1%"$_rest"}"
121 shift
122 set -- "$_next" "-$_rest" "$@"
124 case "$1" in
125 "-?")
126 usage 1 2>&1
127 exit 0
129 -h|--help)
130 usage 2
131 exit 0
133 -m|--mail)
134 mailresult=1
137 [ "${minoutput:-0}" != "0" ] || minoutput=2
140 minoutput=1
142 --full)
143 fullcheck=1
145 --no-full)
146 fullcheck=
148 --reflog)
149 reflog=1
151 --indexed-objects)
152 indexedobj=1
154 --list)
155 shownames=1
157 --no-list)
158 shownames=0
161 shift
162 break
164 -?*)
165 echo "${0##*/}: unknown option: $1" >&2
166 usage 1
167 exit 1
170 break
172 esac
173 shift
174 done
176 [ -n "$shownames" ] || [ $# -eq 0 ] || shownames=1
178 while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
179 aproj="${1%.git}"
180 shift
181 if ! [ -d "$cfg_reporoot/$aproj.git" ]; then
182 echo "${0##*/}: fatal: no such dir: $cfg_reporoot/$aproj.git" >&2
183 exit 1
185 if ! is_git_dir "$cfg_reporoot/$aproj.git"; then
186 echo "${0##*/}: fatal: not a git dir: $cfg_reporoot/$aproj.git" >&2
187 exit 1
189 onlylist="${onlylist:+$onlylist }$aproj.git"
190 done
192 hasnice=
193 ! command -v nice >/dev/null || hasnice=1
194 hasionice=
195 ! command -v ionice >/dev/null || hasionice=1
197 nl='
200 projlist="$(cut -d : -f 1 <"$cfg_chroot/etc/group")"
202 is_listed_proj() {
203 echo "$projlist" | grep -q -e "^$1$"
206 is_empty_proj() {
207 # if packed-refs is empty and no files in refs then empty
208 # we do NOT want to run any git command in case the repo is bad
209 _pd="$cfg_reporoot/$1.git"
210 if [ -f "$_pd/packed-refs" ] && [ -s "$_pd/packed-refs" ]; then
211 if [ $(LC_ALL=C sed -n '/^#/!p' <"$_pd/packed-refs" | LC_ALL=C wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then
212 return 1
215 test $(find -L "$_pd/refs" -type f -print 2>/dev/null | head -n 1 | LC_ALL=C wc -l) -eq 0
218 get_check_proj() (
219 cd "$cfg_reporoot/$1.git" || {
220 echo "no such directory: $cfg_reporoot/$1.git"
221 return 1
223 if [ -n "$fullcheck" ]; then
224 # use git fsck
225 # using --strict changes "zero-padded file modes" from a warning into an error
226 # which we do NOT want so we do NOT use --strict
227 cmd="git fsck"
228 [ -z "$var_have_git_1710" ] || cmd="$cmd --no-dangling"
229 # no need for --no-progress (v1.7.9+) since stderr will not be a tty
230 cmd="$cmd 2>&1"
231 else
232 # use git rev-list --objects --all
233 cmd="git rev-list --objects --all${reflog:+ --reflog}${indexedobj:+ --indexed-objects}"
234 # but we only want stderr output not any of the objects list
235 cmd="$cmd 2>&1 >/dev/null"
237 [ -z "$hasionice" ] || cmd="ionice -c 3 $cmd"
238 [ -z "$hasnice" ] || cmd="nice -n 19 $cmd"
239 fsckresult=0
240 fsckoutput="$(eval "$cmd")" || fsckresult=$?
241 if [ -n "$fullcheck" ] && [ -z "$var_have_git_1710" ]; then
242 # strip lines starting with "dangling" since --no-dangling is not supported
243 # note that "dangling" is NOT translated
244 fsckoutput="$(printf '%s\n' "$fsckoutput" | LC_ALL=C sed -n '/^dangling/!p')"
246 [ -z "$fsckoutput" ] || printf '%s\n' "$fsckoutput"
247 return $fsckresult
250 cd "$cfg_reporoot"
251 absroot="$(pwd -P)"
252 # howmany is how many fsck was run on plus how many were empty
253 howmany=0
254 # mtcount is how many were empty
255 mtcount=0
256 # okcount is how many fsck returned 0 status for
257 okcount=0
258 # warncount is how many fsck returned 0 status but non-empty output
259 warncount=0
260 # errresults are results from fsck non-0 status fsck runs
261 errresults=
262 # warnresults are non-empty results from 0 status fsck runs
263 warnresults=
264 # list of all projects checked in order if --list is active
265 allprojs=
267 while IFS='' read -r proj; do
268 if [ -L "$proj" ]; then
269 # symlinks to elsewhere under $cfg_reporoot are ignored
270 # symlinks to outside there are reported on unless orphaned
271 absproj="$(cd "$proj" && pwd -P)" && [ -n "$absproj" ] &&
272 [ -d "$absproj" ] || continue
273 case "$absproj" in "$absroot"/*)
274 continue
275 esac
277 proj="${proj#./}"
278 proj="${proj%.git}"
279 is_listed_proj "$proj" && is_git_dir "$cfg_reporoot/$proj.git" || continue
280 [ -d "$proj.git/objects" ] || continue
281 [ "${shownames:-0}" = "0" ] || allprojs="${allprojs:+$allprojs }$proj"
282 howmany="$(( $howmany + 1 ))"
283 if is_empty_proj "$proj"; then
284 mtcount="$(( $mtcount + 1 ))"
285 continue
287 ok=1
288 output="$(get_check_proj "$proj")" || ok=
289 [ -z "$ok" ] || okcount="$(( $okcount + 1 ))"
290 [ -n "$ok" ] || [ -n "$output" ] || output="git fsck failed with no output"
291 if [ -n "$output" ]; then
292 output="$(printf '%s\n' "$output" | LC_ALL=C sed 's/^/ /')$nl"
293 if [ -n "$ok" ]; then
294 # warning
295 warncount="$(( $warncount + 1 ))"
296 [ -z "$warnresults" ] || warnresults="$warnresults$nl"
297 warnresults="$warnresults$proj: (warnings only)$nl$output"
298 else
299 [ -z "$errresults" ] || errresults="$errresults$nl"
300 errresults="$errresults$proj: (errors found)$nl$output"
303 done <<EOT
305 if [ -n "$onlylist" ]; then
306 printf '%s\n' $onlylist
307 else
308 find -L . -type d \( -path ./_recyclebin -o -path ./_global -o -name '*.git' -print \) -prune 2>/dev/null |
309 LC_ALL=C sort -f
314 enddate="$(date "+$datefmt")"
315 [ "$minoutput" != "1" ] || [ "$howmany" != "$(( $okcount + $mtcount ))" ] || [ "$warncount" != "0" ] || exit 0
316 [ "$minoutput" != "2" ] || [ "$howmany" != "$(( $okcount + $mtcount ))" ] || exit 0
317 domail=cat
318 [ -z "$mailresult" ] || domail='mailref "fsck@$cfg_gitweburl" -s "[$cfg_name] Project Fsck Status Report" "$cfg_admin"'
320 cat <<EOT
321 Project Fsck Status Report
322 ==========================
324 Start Time: $startdate
325 End Time: $enddate
327 Projects Checked: $howmany
328 Projects Okay: $(( $okcount + $mtcount )) (passed + warned + empty)
330 Projects Passed: $(( $okcount - $warncount ))
331 Projects Warned: $warncount
332 Projects Empty: $mtcount
333 Projects Failed: $(( $howmany - $mtcount - $okcount ))
335 if [ "${shownames:-0}" != "0" ] && [ -n "$allprojs" ]; then
336 prefix="\
337 Projects Checked: "
338 for aproj in $allprojs; do
339 printf '%s%s\n' "$prefix" "$aproj"
340 prefix="\
342 done
345 echo ""
347 if [ -n "$errresults" ] || [ -n "$warnresults" ]; then
348 echo ""
349 echo "Fsck Output"
350 echo "-----------"
351 echo ""
352 printf '%s' "$errresults"
353 [ -z "$errresults" ] || [ -z "$warnresults" ] || echo ""
354 printf '%s' "$warnresults"
355 echo ""
357 } | eval "$domail"