Merge branch 'master' into rorcz
[girocco.git] / Girocco /
1 package Girocco::CGI;
3 use strict;
4 use warnings;
6 use Girocco::Config;
7 use Girocco::Util;
10 require Exporter;
11 our $VERSION = '0.1';
12 our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
13 our @EXPORT = qw(html_esc);
15 use CGI qw(:standard :escapeHTML -nosticky);
16 use CGI::Util qw(unescape);
17 use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
18 eval 'sub CGI::multi_param {CGI::param(@_)}'
19 unless CGI->can("multi_param");
22 my $_suppress_header;
23 BEGIN {$_suppress_header = 0}
25 my @_randlens;
26 my @_randchars;
27 BEGIN {
28 @_randlens = (
29 # the prime numbers >= 1024 and < 2048
30 1031, 1033, 1039, 1049, 1051, 1061, 1063, 1069, 1087, 1091, 1093, 1097, 1103,
31 1109, 1117, 1123, 1129, 1151, 1153, 1163, 1171, 1181, 1187, 1193, 1201, 1213,
32 1217, 1223, 1229, 1231, 1237, 1249, 1259, 1277, 1279, 1283, 1289, 1291, 1297,
33 1301, 1303, 1307, 1319, 1321, 1327, 1361, 1367, 1373, 1381, 1399, 1409, 1423,
34 1427, 1429, 1433, 1439, 1447, 1451, 1453, 1459, 1471, 1481, 1483, 1487, 1489,
35 1493, 1499, 1511, 1523, 1531, 1543, 1549, 1553, 1559, 1567, 1571, 1579, 1583,
36 1597, 1601, 1607, 1609, 1613, 1619, 1621, 1627, 1637, 1657, 1663, 1667, 1669,
37 1693, 1697, 1699, 1709, 1721, 1723, 1733, 1741, 1747, 1753, 1759, 1777, 1783,
38 1787, 1789, 1801, 1811, 1823, 1831, 1847, 1861, 1867, 1871, 1873, 1877, 1879,
39 1889, 1901, 1907, 1913, 1931, 1933, 1949, 1951, 1973, 1979, 1987, 1993, 1997,
40 1999, 2003, 2011, 2017, 2027, 2029, 2039
42 @_randchars = (
43 # IMPORTANT: The '-' MUST be the last character in the array so we can
44 # use one less than the array length to randomly replace the second '-'
45 # in any generated '--' sequence.
46 9, 10, 13, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49,
47 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69,
48 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89,
49 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107,
50 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123,
51 124, 125, 126, 45 # '-' (45/0x2D) MUST be last
55 sub _randpad {
56 # return 1K - 2K of random padding that is a random length which
57 # happens to be prime and is suitable for inclusion as an XHTML comment
58 # (the comment delimiters are NOT added)
59 use bytes;
60 my $len = $_randlens[int(rand(@_randlens))];
61 my $ccnt = @_randchars;
62 my $str = '';
63 for (my $i=1; $i<$len; ++$i) {
64 $str .= chr($_randchars[int(rand($ccnt))]);
66 $str =~ s/--/'-'.chr($_randchars[int(rand($ccnt-1))])/gse;
67 return $str;
70 sub _vulnpad {
71 # Return suitably commented vulnerability mitigation padding if applicable
73 # If https is enabled (HTTPS == "on") attempt to avoid the compression
74 # vulnerability as described in VU#987798/CVE-2013-3587 (aka BREACH).
75 # This only need be done for POST requests as nothing else has sensitive data.
76 # See for further information.
78 my $vulnrandpad = "";
79 if (($ENV{'HTTPS'} && lc($ENV{'HTTPS'}) eq 'on') &&
80 ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} && lc($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'}) eq 'post')) {
81 # Add some random padding to mitigate the vulnerability
82 $vulnrandpad = "<!-- Mitigate VU#987798/CVE-2013-3587 with random padding -->\n";
83 $vulnrandpad .= "<!-- " . _randpad . " -->\n";
85 return $vulnrandpad;
88 sub enableHeader {
89 $_suppress_header = $_[0] ? 0 : 1;
92 sub new {
93 my $class = shift;
94 my ($heading, $section, $extraheadhtml, $sectionlink) = @_;
95 my $gcgi = {};
96 my $vulnrandpad = _vulnpad;
98 $heading = CGI::escapeHTML($heading || '');
99 $section = CGI::escapeHTML($section || 'administration');
100 $section = "<a href=\"$sectionlink\">$section</a>" if $sectionlink;
101 # $extraheadhtml is optional RAW html code to include, DO NOT escapeHTML it!
102 $extraheadhtml = $extraheadhtml || '';
103 my $name = CGI::escapeHTML($Girocco::Config::name || '');
105 $gcgi->{cgi} = CGI->new;
107 my $cgiurl = $gcgi->{cgi}->url(-absolute => 1);
108 ($gcgi->{srcname}) = ($cgiurl =~ m#^.*/\([a-zA-Z0-9_.\/-]+?\.cgi\)$#); #
109 $gcgi->{srcname} = "cgi/".$gcgi->{srcname} if $gcgi->{srcname};
111 print $gcgi->{cgi}->header(-type=>'text/html', -charset => 'utf-8')
112 unless $_suppress_header;
114 print <<EOT;
115 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
116 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
117 <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en-US" lang="en-US">
119 <head>
120 <meta charset="utf-8" />
121 <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
122 <title>$name :: $heading</title>
123 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="@{[url_path($Girocco::Config::gitwebfiles)]}/gitweb.css" />
124 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="@{[url_path($Girocco::Config::gitwebfiles)]}/girocco.css" />
125 <link rel="shortcut icon" href="@{[url_path($Girocco::Config::gitwebfiles)]}/git-favicon.png" type="image/png" />
126 <script src="@{[url_path($Girocco::Config::gitwebfiles)]}/mootools.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
127 <script src="@{[url_path($Girocco::Config::gitwebfiles)]}/girocco.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
128 $extraheadhtml$vulnrandpad</head>
130 <body>
132 <div class="page_header">
133 <a href="" title="Git homepage"><img src="@{[url_path($Girocco::Config::gitwebfiles)]}/git-logo.png" width="72" height="27" alt="git" style="float:right; border-width:0px;" /></a>
134 <a href="@{[url_path($Girocco::Config::gitweburl,1)]}">$name</a> / $section / $heading
135 </div>
139 bless $gcgi, $class;
142 sub DESTROY {
143 my $self = shift;
144 my $vulnrandpad = _vulnpad;
145 if ($self->{srcname} and $Girocco::Config::giroccourl) {
146 my $hb = $Girocco::Config::giroccobranch ?
147 "hb=$Girocco::Config::giroccobranch;" : "";
148 print <<EOT;
149 <div align="right">
150 <a href="@{[url_path($Girocco::Config::giroccourl)]}?a=blob;${hb}f=$self->{srcname}">(view source)</a>
151 </div>
154 print <<EOT;
155 </body>
156 $vulnrandpad</html>
160 sub cgi {
161 my $self = shift;
162 $self->{cgi};
165 # return previous value of $self->{errprelude}
166 # if at least one argument is given, then set $self->{errprelude} to the first arg
167 # if $self->{errprelude} is non-empty at the time the first err call happens then
168 # $self->{errprelude} will be output just before the first error message
169 sub err_prelude {
170 my $self = shift;
171 my $result = $self->{errprelude};
172 $self->{errprelude} = $_[0] if @_ >= 1;
173 return $result;
176 sub err {
177 my $self = shift;
178 print $self->{errprelude} if !$self->{err} && defined($self->{errprelude});
179 print "<p style=\"color: #c00000; word-wrap: break-word\">@_</p>\n";
180 $self->{err}++;
183 sub ok {
184 my $self = shift;
185 my $err = $self->{err}||0;
186 return $err == 0;
189 sub err_check {
190 my $self = shift;
191 my $err = $self->{err}||0;
192 my $s = $err == 1 ? '' : 's';
193 $err and print "<p style=\"font-weight: bold\">Operation aborted due to $err error$s.</p>\n";
194 $err;
197 sub wparam {
198 my $self = shift;
199 my ($param) = @_;
200 my $val = $self->{cgi}->param($param);
201 defined $val and $val =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
202 $val;
205 sub srcname {
206 my $self = shift;
207 my ($srcname) = @_;
208 $self->{srcname} = $srcname if $srcname;
209 $self->{srcname};
212 sub html_esc($;$) {
213 my $str = shift;
214 my $charentityokay = shift;
215 defined($str) or $str = '';
216 if ($charentityokay) {
217 $str =~ s/&(?!#(?:[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+|\d+);)/&amp;/g;
218 } else {
219 $str =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
221 $str =~ s/</&lt;/g; $str =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
222 $str =~ s/[""]/&quot;/g; $str =~ s/['']/&apos;/g;
223 $str;
226 sub print_form_fields {
227 my $self = shift;
228 my ($fieldmap, $valuemap, @fields) = @_;
230 foreach my $field (map { $fieldmap->{$_} } @fields) {
231 defined($field->[2]) && $field->[2] ne 'placeholder' or next;
232 my $title='';
233 if (defined($field->[3]) && $field->[3] ne '') {
234 $title=' title="'.html_esc($field->[3], 1).'"'
236 print '<tr'.$title.'><td class="formlabel">'.$field->[0].':</td>';
237 if ($field->[2] eq 'text') {
238 print '<td><input type="text" name="'.$field->[1].'" size="80"';
239 print ' value="'.$valuemap->{$field->[1]}.'"' if $valuemap;
240 print ' />';
241 } elsif ($field->[2] eq 'checkbox') {
242 print '<td class="formdatatd"><input type="checkbox" name="'.$field->[1].'"';
243 print ' checked="checked"' if $valuemap && $valuemap->{$field->[1]};
244 printf ' value="%s"', ($valuemap && $valuemap->{$field->[1]} ? $valuemap->{$field->[1]} : "1");
245 print ' />';
246 } else {
247 print '<td><textarea name="'.$field->[1].'" rows="5" cols="80">';
248 print $valuemap->{$field->[1]} if $valuemap;
249 print '</textarea>';
251 print "</td></tr>\n";