3 # This is generic shell library for all the scripts used by Girocco;
4 # most importantly, it introduces all the $cfg_* shell variables.
9 octet4
10 octet19
11 octet20
12 # tab (single \t between single quotes)
15 # set a sane umask that never excludes any user or group permissions
16 umask $
(printf '0%03o' $
(( $
(umask) & ~
0770 )) )
18 # set the variable named by the first argument
19 # to the number of additional arguments
21 eval "$1="'$(( $# - 1 ))'
25 # Compare $1 to $2 each of which must match \d+(\.\d+)*
26 # An empty string ('') for $1 or $2 is treated like 0
31 # Note that `vcmp 1.8` correctly outputs 0.
35 [ -n "$_a" ] ||
[ -n "$_b" ]
37 if [ "${_a:-0}" -lt "${_b:-0}" ]; then
40 elif [ "${_a:-0}" -gt "${_b:-0}" ]; then
46 set -- "${_a2#.}" "${_b2#.}"
52 _get_girocco_config_pm_var_list
() (
53 # Export all the scalar variables from Girocco::Config to suitable var= lines
54 # prefixing them with 'cfg_'. E.g. $cfg_admin is admin's mail address now
55 # and also setting a 'defined_cfg_' prefix to 1 if they are not undef.
56 __girocco_conf
57 [ -n "$__girocco_conf" ] || __girocco_conf
58 [ -z "$basedir" ] || __girocco_extrainc
60 [ "@basedir@" != '@'basedir
'@' ] || inc_basedir
61 [ -z "$orig_path" ] || PATH
62 [ -n "$PATH" ] || PATH
="$(/usr/bin/getconf PATH 2>/dev/null)" ||
63 [ -n "$PATH" ] || PATH
65 perl
-I"$inc_basedir" $__girocco_extrainc -le \
66 'use Girocco::Dumper qw(RequireENV Scalars GetConfPath);
67 my $env = RequireENV([$ARGV[0], "Girocco::Validator"]);
69 my ($name, $inval) = @_;
70 my $val = $inval; defined($val) or $val="";
71 $val =~ s/([\\"\$\`])/\\$1/gos;
72 $val =~ s/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)$//os;
73 if ($name =~ /^var_/) {
74 print "$name=\"$val\"";
76 print "cfg_$name=\"$val\"";
77 print "defined_cfg_$name=", (defined($inval)?"1":"");
80 foreach (Scalars("Girocco::Config")) {
81 lc($_) eq "path" and next;
82 &$outvar($_, ${$Girocco::Config::{$_}});
84 exists($env->{PATH}) && @{$env->{PATH}} or $env->{PATH} = [GetConfPath()];
85 &$outvar("path", ${$env->{PATH}}[0]);' "$__girocco_conf"
88 # Returns full command path for "$1" if it's a valid command otherwise returns "$1"
91 _fp
="$(command -v "$1" 2>/dev/null)"
95 [ -n "$orig_path" ] && _fp
96 PATH="$orig_path" && export PATH &&
97 command -v "$1" 2>/dev/null)"
105 get_girocco_config_var_list
() (
106 # Same as _get_girocco_config_pm_var_list except that
107 # the following variables (all starting with var_) are added:
108 # var_group cfg_owning_group if defined otherwise `id -gn`
109 # var_group_gid group id number of $var_group
110 # var_mirror_uid user id number of $cfg_mirror_user
111 # var_cgi_uid user id number of $cfg_cgi_user
112 # var_git_ver The version number part from `git version`
113 # var_git_exec_path The result of $cfg_git_bin --exec-dir
114 # var_sh_bin Full path to the posix sh interpreter to use
115 # var_perl_bin Full path to the perl interpreter to use
116 # var_gzip_bin Full path to the gzip executable to use
117 # var_openssl_bin Full path to the openssl executable to use
118 # var_nc_openbsd_bin Full path to the netcat (nc) with -U support
119 # var_have_git_171 Set to 1 if git version >= 1.7.1 otherwise ''
120 # var_have_git_172 Set to 1 if git version >= 1.7.2 otherwise ''
121 # var_have_git_173 Set to 1 if git version >= 1.7.3 otherwise ''
122 # var_have_git_1710 Set to 1 if git version >= 1.7.10 otherwise ''
123 # var_have_git_185 Set to 1 if git version >= 1.8.5 otherwise ''
124 # var_have_git_210 Set to 1 if git version >= 2.1.0 otherwise ''
125 # var_have_git_235 Set to 1 if git version >= 2.3.5 otherwise ''
126 # var_have_git_260 Set to 1 if git version >= 2.6.0 otherwise ''
127 # var_have_git_2101 Set to 1 if git version >= 2.10.1 otherwise ''
128 # var_online_cpus Girocco::Util::online_cpus or 1 if that fails
129 # var_window_memory Value to use for repack --window-memory=
130 # var_big_file_threshold Value to use for core.bigFileThreshold
131 # var_redelta_threshold Recompute deltas if no more than this many objs
132 # var_upload_window If not "", pack.window to use for upload-pack
133 # var_log_window_size Value to use for git-svn --log-window-size=
134 # var_utf8_locale Value to use for a UTF-8 locale if available
135 # var_xargs_r A "-r" if xargs needs it to behave correctly
136 # var_du_exclude Option to exclude PATTERN from du if available
137 # var_du_follow Option to follow command line sym links if available
138 # var_xfsz_err Shell error code when child dies from SIGXFSZ
139 # var_sun_path_len Output if already set to suitable positive integer
140 # These are computed and picked up courtesy of Girocco::Validator
141 # var_umask octal umask to match git core.sharedRepository mode
142 # var_umask_ug var_umask but with "other" masked off (certs use this)
143 # var_umask_perm if permission_control is Group, var_umask otherwise 0
144 _cfg_vars
="$(_get_girocco_config_pm_var_list)" ||
return 1
146 [ -z "$cfg_path" ] ||
="$cfg_path" && export PATH
; }
147 [ "$1" = "varonly" ] ||
printf '%s\n' "$_cfg_vars"
148 printf 'var_group=%s\n' "${cfg_owning_group:-$(id -gn)}"
149 perl
- "$var_group" "$cfg_mirror_user" "$cfg_cgi_user" <<-'PERLPROG'
151 my $gid = getgrnam($ARGV[0]);
152 my $mid = getpwnam($ARGV[1]);
153 my $cid = getpwnam($ARGV[2]);
154 defined($gid) && $gid ne '' and print "var_group_gid=$gid\n";
155 defined($mid) && $mid ne '' and print "var_mirror_uid=$mid\n";
156 defined($cid) && $cid ne '' and print "var_cgi_uid=$cid\n";
158 _gver
="$("$cfg_git_bin" version 2>/dev/null |
159 LC_ALL=C sed -ne 's/^[^0-9]*\([0-9][0-9]*\(\.[0-9][0-9]*\)*\).*$/\1/p')"
160 printf 'var_git_ver=%s\n' "$_gver"
161 printf 'var_git_exec_path="%s"\n' "$("$cfg_git_bin" --exec-path 2>/dev/null)"
162 printf 'var_sh_bin="%s"\n' "$(_fcp "${cfg_posix_sh_bin:-/bin/sh}")"
163 printf 'var_perl_bin="%s"\n' "$(_fcp "${cfg_perl_bin:-$(unset -f perl; command -v perl)}")"
164 printf 'var_gzip_bin="%s"\n' "$(_fcp "${cfg_gzip_bin:-$(unset -f gzip; command -v gzip)}")"
165 printf 'var_openssl_bin="%s"\n' "$(_fcp "${cfg_openssl_bin:-$(unset -f openssl; command -v openssl)}")"
166 printf 'var_nc_openbsd_bin="%s"\n' "$(_fcp "${cfg_nc_openbsd_bin:-$(unset -f nc; command -v nc)}")"
167 printf 'var_have_git_171=%s\n' "$([ $(vcmp "$_gver" 1.7.1) -ge 0 ] && echo 1)"
168 printf 'var_have_git_172=%s\n' "$([ $(vcmp "$_gver" 1.7.2) -ge 0 ] && echo 1)"
169 printf 'var_have_git_173=%s\n' "$([ $(vcmp "$_gver" 1.7.3) -ge 0 ] && echo 1)"
170 printf 'var_have_git_1710=%s\n' "$([ $(vcmp "$_gver" 1.7.10) -ge 0 ] && echo 1)"
171 printf 'var_have_git_185=%s\n' "$([ $(vcmp "$_gver" 1.8.5) -ge 0 ] && echo 1)"
172 printf 'var_have_git_210=%s\n' "$([ $(vcmp "$_gver" 2.1.0) -ge 0 ] && echo 1)"
173 printf 'var_have_git_235=%s\n' "$([ $(vcmp "$_gver" 2.3.5) -ge 0 ] && echo 1)"
174 printf 'var_have_git_260=%s\n' "$([ $(vcmp "$_gver" 2.6.0) -ge 0 ] && echo 1)"
175 printf 'var_have_git_2101=%s\n' "$([ $(vcmp "$_gver" 2.10.1) -ge 0 ] && echo 1)"
176 __girocco_conf
177 [ -n "$__girocco_conf" ] || __girocco_conf
178 [ -z "$basedir" ] || __girocco_extrainc
179 inc_basedir
=@basedir@ vldmod
180 [ "@basedir@" != '@'basedir
'@' ] || inc_basedir
="$PWD" vldmod
181 var_online_cpus
="$(perl -I"$inc_basedir" $__girocco_extrainc -M$__girocco_conf $vldmod \
182 -MGirocco::Util -e 'print online_cpus')" ||
183 printf "var_online_cpus=%s\n" "${var_online_cpus:=1}"
184 printf "var_window_memory=%s\n" \
185 "$(perl -I"$inc_basedir" $__girocco_extrainc -M$__girocco_conf $vldmod \
186 -MGirocco::Util -e 'print calc_windowmemory')"
187 printf "var_big_file_threshold=%s\n" \
188 "$(perl -I"$inc_basedir" $__girocco_extrainc -M$__girocco_conf $vldmod \
189 -MGirocco::Util -e 'print calc_bigfilethreshold')"
190 printf "var_redelta_threshold=%s\n" \
191 "$(perl -I"$inc_basedir" $__girocco_extrainc -M$__girocco_conf $vldmod \
192 -MGirocco::Util -e 'print calc_redeltathreshold')"
193 if [ -n "$cfg_upload_pack_window" ] && [ "$cfg_upload_pack_window" -ge 2 ] &&
194 [ "$cfg_upload_pack_window" -le 50 ]; then
195 printf "var_upload_window=%s\n" "$cfg_upload_pack_window"
197 printf "var_upload_window=%s\n" ""
199 printf 'var_log_window_size=%s\n' "${cfg_svn_log_window_size:-250}"
200 # We parse the output of `locale -a` and select a suitable UTF-8 locale.
201 _guess_locale
="$(locale -a | LC_ALL=C grep -viE '^(posix|c)(\..*)?$' |
202 LC_ALL=C grep -iE '\.utf-?8$' | LC_ALL=C sed -e 's/\.[Uu][Tt][Ff]-*8$//' |
203 LC_ALL=C sed -e '/en_US/ s/^/0 /; /en_US/ !s/^/1 /' | LC_ALL=C sort |
204 head -n 1 | LC_ALL=C cut -d ' ' -f 2)"
205 [ -z "$_guess_locale" ] ||
printf 'var_utf8_locale=%s.UTF-8\n' "$_guess_locale"
206 # On some broken platforms running xargs without -r and empty input runs the command
207 printf 'var_xargs_r=%s\n' "$(</dev/null command xargs printf %s -r)"
208 # The disk usage report produces better numbers if du has an exclude option
211 for _duopt
in --exclude -I; do
212 if _test
="$(du $_duopt 's?lib.s*' $_duopt "$_x0" "$0" 2>/dev/null)" && [ -z "$_test" ]; then
213 printf 'var_du_exclude=%s\n' "$_duopt"
217 if _test
="$(du -H "$0" 2>/dev/null)" && [ -n "$_test" ]; then
218 printf 'var_du_follow=%s\n' "-H"
220 ul512bin
221 if [ ! -x "$ul512bin" ] && [ -x "$inc_basedir/src/ulimit512" ]; then
222 ul512bin
225 if [ ! -x "$ebin" ] && [ -x "/usr/bin/echo" ]; then
228 if [ -x "$ul512bin" ]; then
229 tmpfile
="$(mktemp /tmp/ul512-$$-XXXXXX)"
231 { "$ul512bin" -f 0 "$ebin" test >"$tmpfile" || ec
; } >/dev
233 if [ "$ec" != 999 ] && [ "$ec" -gt 0 ]; then
234 printf 'var_xfsz_err=%s\n' "$ec"
237 if [ -n "$var_sun_path_len" ] && [ "${var_sun_path_len#*[!0-9]}" = "$var_sun_path_len" ]; then
238 [ "$var_sun_path_len" -lt 80 ] ||
printf 'var_sun_path_len=%s\n' "$var_sun_path_len"
242 # If basedir has been replaced, and shlib_vars.sh exists, get the config
243 # definitions from it rather than running Perl.
244 if [ "@basedir@" = '@'basedir
'@' ] ||
! [ -r "@basedir@/shlib_vars.sh" ]; then
245 # Import all the variables from Girocco::Config to the local environment,
246 _cfg_vars
="$(get_girocco_config_var_list)" ||
exit 1
250 # Import the variables from shlib_vars.sh which avoids needlessly
251 # running another copy of Perl
252 .
255 # git_add_config "some.var=value"
256 # every ' in value must be replaced with the 4-character sequence '\'' before
257 # calling this function or Git will barf. Will not be effective unless running
258 # Git version 1.7.3 or later.
264 # file of empty lines
265 mtlinesfile
266 # created by installer, but if not exists, set to /dev/null
267 [ -e "$mtlinesfile" ] && [ -f "$mtlinesfile" ] && [ -r "$mtlinesfile" ] ||
268 mtlinesfile
270 # Make sure we have a reproducible environment by using a controlled HOME dir
272 HOME
285 export XDG_CONFIG_HOME
301 if [ -n "$defined_cfg_git_client_ua" ]; then
303 export GIT_USER_AGENT
311 ## Keep gitweb/gitweb_config.perl in sync with these git_add_config calls
312 ## Keep bin/git-shell-verify in sync with these git_add_config calls
314 git_add_config
315 git_add_config
316 if [ -n "$cfg_git_no_mmap" ]; then
317 # Just like compiling with NO_MMAP
318 git_add_config
320 # Always use the 32-bit default (32m) even on 64-bit to avoid memory blowout
321 git_add_config
323 # Always use the 32-bit default (256m) even on 64-bit to avoid memory blowout
324 git_add_config
325 [ -z "$var_big_file_threshold" ] ||
326 git_add_config
327 git_add_config
328 git_add_config
330 # Make sure any sendmail.pl config is always available
335 [ -z "$cfg_sendmail_pl_host" ] ||
="$cfg_sendmail_pl_host" && export SENDMAIL_PL_HOST
; }
336 [ -z "$cfg_sendmail_pl_port" ] ||
="$cfg_sendmail_pl_port" && export SENDMAIL_PL_PORT
; }
337 [ -z "$cfg_sendmail_pl_ncbin" ] ||
="$cfg_sendmail_pl_ncbin" && export SENDMAIL_PL_NCBIN
; }
338 [ -z "$cfg_sendmail_pl_ncopt" ] ||
="$cfg_sendmail_pl_ncopt" && export SENDMAIL_PL_NCOPT
; }
340 # Set PATH and PYTHON to the values set by Config.pm, if any
342 [ -z "$cfg_python" ] ||
="$cfg_python" && export PYTHON
; }
343 [ -z "$cfg_path" ] ||
{ orig_path
="$PATH" && PATH
="$cfg_path" && export PATH
; }
345 # Extra GIT variables that generally ought to be cleared, but whose clearing
346 # could potentially interfere with the correct operation of hook scripts so
347 # they are segregated into a separate function for use as appropriate
358 # We cannot use a git() {} or nc_openbsd() {} function to redirect git
359 # and nc_openbsd to the desired executables because when using
360 # "ENV_VAR=xxx func" the various /bin/sh implementations behave in various
361 # different and unexpected ways:
362 # a) treat "ENV_VAR=xxx" like a separate, preceding "export ENV_VAR=xxx"
363 # b) treat "ENV_VAR=xxx" like a separate, prededing "ENV_VAR=xxx"
364 # c) treat "ENV_VAR=xxx" like a temporary setting only while running func
365 # None of these are good. We want a temporary "export ENV_VAR=xxx"
366 # setting only while running func which none of the /bin/sh's do.
368 # Instead we'd like to use an alias that provides the desired behavior without
369 # any of the bad (a), (b) or (c) effects.
371 # However, unfortunately, some of the crazy /bin/sh implementations do not
372 # recognize alias expansions when preceded by variable assignments!
374 # So we are left with git() {} and nc_openbsd() {} functions and in the
375 # case of git() {} we can compensate for (b) and (c) failing to export
376 # but not (a) and (b) persisting the values so the caller will simply
377 # have to beware and explicitly unset any variables that should not persist
378 # beyond the function call itself.
380 _setexport_gitvars
() {
381 [ z
"${GIT_DIR+set}" != z
"set" ] ||
export GIT_DIR
382 [ z
"${GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY+set}" != z
"set" ] ||
383 [ z
"${GIT_TRACE_PACKET+set}" != z
"set" ] ||
384 [ z
"${GIT_USER_AGENT+set}" != z
"set" ] ||
385 [ z
"${GIT_HTTP_USER_AGENT+set}" != z
"set" ] ||
390 exec "$cfg_git_bin" "$@"
393 # git_ulimit behaves the same as git except that it runs git using ulimit512
394 # with the value of $cfg_max_file_size512 if that is set and greater than 0
398 if [ "${cfg_max_file_size512:-0}" = "0" ]; then
399 exec "$cfg_git_bin" "$@"
401 exec "$cfg_basedir/bin/ulimit512" -i -f "$cfg_max_file_size512" -- "$cfg_git_bin" "$@"
405 # Since we do not yet require at least Git 1.8.5 this is a compatibility function
406 # that allows us to use git update-ref --stdin where supported and the slow shell
407 # script where not, but only the "delete" operation is currently supported.
408 git_updateref_stdin
() {
409 if [ -n "$var_have_git_185" ]; then
410 git update-ref
412 while read -r _op _ref
; do
415 git update-ref
-d "$_ref"
418 echo "bad git_updateref_stdin op: $_op" >&2
426 # see comments for git() -- callers must explicitly export all variables
427 # intended for the commands these functions run before calling them
428 perl
() { command "${var_perl_bin:-perl}" "$@"; }
429 gzip() { command "${var_gzip_bin:-gzip}" "$@"; }
431 nc_openbsd
() { command "$var_nc_openbsd_bin" "$@"; }
433 list_packs
() { command "$cfg_basedir/bin/list_packs" "$@"; }
435 readlink
() { command "$cfg_basedir/bin/readlink" "$@"; }
437 strftime
() { command "$cfg_basedir/bin/strftime" "$@"; }
439 # Some platforms' broken xargs runs the command always at least once even if
440 # there's no input unless given a special option. Automatically supply the
441 # option on those platforms by providing an xargs function.
442 xargs() { command xargs $var_xargs_r "$@"; }
446 for _addr
in "$@"; do
447 [ -z "$_list" ] || _list
="$_list, "
454 _mailer
455 if [ -n "$cfg_sender" ]; then
456 "$_mailer" -i -f "$cfg_sender" "$@"
462 # First argument is an id WITHOUT surrounding '<' and '>' to use in a
463 # "References:" header. It may be "" to suppress the "References" header.
464 # Following arguments are just like mail function
467 if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then
472 if [ "$1" = "-s" ]; then
478 echo "From: \"$cfg_name\" ($cfg_title) <$cfg_admin>"
479 echo "To: $(_addrlist "$@
480 [ -z "$_subject" ] ||
echo "Subject: $_subject"
481 echo "MIME-Version: 1.0"
482 echo "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=fixed"
483 echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit"
484 [ -z "$_references" ] ||
echo "References: <$_references>"
485 [ -n "$cfg_suppress_x_girocco" ] ||
echo "X-Girocco: $cfg_gitweburl"
486 echo "Auto-Submitted: auto-generated"
492 # Usage: mail [-s <subject>] <addr> [<addr>...]
497 # bang CMD... will execute the command with well-defined failure mode;
498 # set bang_action to string of the failed action ('clone', 'update', ...);
499 # re-define the bang_trap() function to do custom cleanup before bailing out
503 [ "${bang_errcode:-0}" = "0" ] || bang_failed
509 # clean up bang_cmd for log
510 bang_cmd
="${bang_cmd#eval }"
511 [ "${bang_cmd#git_ulimit }" = "$bang_cmd" ] ||
512 bang_cmd
="git ${bang_cmd#git_ulimit }"
513 [ "${bang_cmd#git_fetch_q_progress }" = "$bang_cmd" ] ||
514 bang_cmd
="git fetch ${bang_cmd#git_fetch_q_progress }"
515 [ "${bang_cmd#git fetch --progress }" = "$bang_cmd" ] ||
516 bang_cmd
="git fetch ${bang_cmd#git fetch --progress }"
518 if [ "${show_progress:-0}" != "0" ]; then
520 read -r bang_errcode
<<-EOT || :
522 exec 4>&3 3>&1 1>&4 4>&-
523 { "$@" 3>&- || echo $? >&3; } 2>&1 | tee -i -a "$bang_log"
527 if [ -z "$bang_errcode" ] ||
[ "$bang_errcode" = "0" ]; then
534 if "$@" >>"$bang_log" 2>&1; then
549 cat "$bang_log" >.banglog
551 echo "$bang_cmd failed with error code $bang_errcode" >>.banglog
552 ! [ -d htmlcache
] ||
{ >htmlcache
; } 2>/dev
/null ||
553 if [ "${show_progress:-0}" != "0" ]; then
555 echo "$bang_cmd failed with error code $bang_errcode"
557 if [ -e .bangagain
]; then
558 git config
--remove-section girocco.bang
/null ||
561 bangcount
="$(git config --int girocco.bang.count 2>/dev/null)" ||
562 bangcount
(( ${bangcount:-0} + 1 ))
563 git config
--int girocco.bang.count
564 if [ $bangcount -eq 1 ]; then
565 git config girocco.bang.firstfail
"$(TZ=UTC date "+%Y-
567 if [ $bangcount -ge $cfg_min_mirror_failure_message_count ] &&
568 [ "$(git config --bool girocco.bang.messagesent 2>/dev/null || :)" != "true" ] &&
569 ! check_interval
"girocco.bang.firstfail" $cfg_min_mirror_failure_message_interval; then
570 bangmailok
="$(git config --bool gitweb.statusupdates 2>/dev/null || echo true)"
572 [ "$bangmailok" = "false" ] ||
[ -z "$mail" ] || bangaddrs
573 [ -z "$cfg_admincc" ] ||
[ "$cfg_admincc" = "0" ] ||
[ -z "$cfg_admin" ] ||
574 if [ -z "$bangaddrs" ]; then bangaddrs
="$cfg_admin"; else bangaddrs
="$bangaddrs,$cfg_admin"; fi
576 [ $bangcount -le 1 ] || rsubj
=" repeatedly"
577 [ -z "$bangaddrs" ] ||
579 echo "$bang_cmd failed with error code $bang_errcode"
582 if [ $bangcount -gt 1 ]; then
583 echo "$bangcount consecutive update failures have occurred since $(config_get girocco.bang.firstfail)"
586 echo "you will not receive any more notifications until recovery"
587 echo "this status message may be disabled on the project admin page"
592 } | mailref
"update@$cfg_gitweburl/$proj.git" -s "[$cfg_name] $proj $bang_action failed$rsubj" "$bangaddrs"
593 git config
--bool girocco.bang.messagesent true
596 [ $bangcount -lt 15 ] ||
597 check_interval
"girocco.bang.firstfail" $
(( $cfg_min_mirror_interval * 3 / 2 )) ||
599 bang_trap
600 [ -n "$bang_errcode" ] && [ "$bang_errcode" != "0" ] || bang_errcode
604 # bang_eval CMD... will evaluate the command with well-defined failure mode;
605 # Identical to bang CMD... except the command is eval'd instead of executed.
611 # placeholder empty function that gets called
612 # when the bang_setup EXIT trap triggers
613 # can be replaced to avoid losing a pre bang_setup
618 # Default bang settings:
621 bang_action
623 bang_tmpdir
624 bang_tmpdir
625 bang_log
="$(mktemp "${bang_tmpdir:-/tmp}/repomgr-XXXXXX
627 echo "bang_setup called with current directory not a git directory" >&2
630 trap 'rm -f "$bang_log"; bang_exit' EXIT
631 trap '[ -z "$bang_active" ] || { bang_errcode=130; bang_failed; }; exit 130' INT
632 trap '[ -z "$bang_active" ] || { bang_errcode=143; bang_failed; }; exit 143' TERM
635 # Remove banged status
637 rm -f .banged .bangagain .banglog
638 git config
--remove-section girocco.bang
/null ||
641 # Check to see if banged status
646 # Check to see if banged message was sent
647 was_banged_message_sent
() {
648 [ "$(git config --bool girocco.bang.messagesent 2>/dev/null || :)" = "true" ]
651 # Progress report - if show_progress is set, shows the given message.
653 [ "${show_progress:-0}" = "0" ] ||
echo "$*"
656 # Project config accessors; must be run in project directory
662 git config
667 git config
"gitweb.$1" "$2" && chgrp
$var_group config
&& chmod g
+w config
671 git config
"$1" "$2" && chgrp
$var_group config
&& chmod g
+w config
674 config_get_date_seconds
() {
675 _dt
="$(config_get "$1")" ||
676 [ -n "$_dt" ] ||
return 1
677 _ds
="$(perl -I@basedir@ -MGirocco::Util -e "print parse_any_date
678 [ -n "$_ds" ] ||
return 1
682 # Tool for checking whether given number of seconds has not passed yet
684 os
="$(config_get_date_seconds "$1")" ||
return 1
686 [ $ns -lt $
(($os+$2)) ]
689 # Check if we are running with effective root permissions
691 [ "$(id -u 2>/dev/null)" = "0" ]
694 # Check to see if the single argument (default ".") is a Git directory
696 # Just like Git's test except we ignore GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY
697 # And we are slightly more picky (must be refs/.+ not refs/.*)
698 [ $# -ne 0 ] ||
set -- "."
699 [ -d "$1/objects" ] && [ -x "$1/objects" ] ||
return 1
700 [ -d "$1/refs" ] && [ -x "$1/refs" ] ||
return 1
701 if [ -L "$1/HEAD" ]; then
702 _hr
="$(readlink "$1/HEAD
703 case "$_hr" in "refs/"?
*) :;; *) return 1;; esac
705 [ -f "$1/HEAD" ] && [ -r "$1/HEAD" ] ||
return 1
706 read -r _hr
<"$1/HEAD" ||
return 1
709 [ "${_hr#*[!0-9a-f]}" = "$_hr" ] ||
return 1
714 _hr
="${_hr##ref:*[ $tab]}"
715 case "$_hr" in "refs/"?
*) return 0;; esac
720 # Check to see if the single argument (default ".") is a directory with no refs
721 is_empty_refs_dir
() {
722 [ $# -ne 0 ] ||
set -- "."
723 if [ -s "$1/packed-refs" ]; then
724 # could be a packed-refs file with just a '# pack-refs ..." line
725 # null hash lines and peel lines do not count either
726 _refcnt
="$(( $(LC_ALL=C sed <"$1/packed-refs
" \
728 -e "/^
$octet20$hexdig* refs\
" | wc -l) ))"
729 [ "${_refcnt:-0}" -eq 0 ] ||
return 1
731 if [ -d "$1/refs" ]; then
732 # quick and dirty check, doesn't try to validate contents
733 # or ignore embedded symbolic refs
734 _refcnt
="$(( $(find -L "$1/refs
" -type f -print 2>/dev/null | head -n 1 | LC_ALL=C wc -l) ))"
735 [ "${_refcnt:-0}" -eq 0 ] ||
return 1
737 # last chance a detached HEAD (we ignore any linked working trees though)
738 [ -s "$1/HEAD" ] && read -r _hr
<"$1/HEAD" && [ -n "$_hr" ] ||
return 0
739 [ "${_hr#*[!0-9a-f]}" != "$_hr" ] || [ "${_hr#*[!0]}" = "$_hr" ] || [ "${#_hr}" -lt 40 ] ||
return 1
743 # List all Git repositories, with given prefix if specified, one-per-line
744 # All project names starting with _ are always excluded from the result
747 LC_ALL
=C cut
-d : -f 1,3 "$cfg_chroot"/etc
/group | LC_ALL
grep "^$1"
749 LC_ALL
=C cut
-d : -f 1,3 "$cfg_chroot"/etc
751 LC_ALL
awk -F : 'substr($1,1,1) != "_" && $2 >= 65536 {print $1}'
754 # set the variable named by the first argument to the project part (i.e. WITH
755 # the trailing ".git" but WITHOUT the leading $cfg_reporoot) of the directory
756 # specified by the second argument.
757 # This function cannot be fooled by symbolic links.
758 # If the second argument is omitted (or empty) use $(pwd -P) instead.
759 # The directory specified by the second argument must exist.
760 v_get_proj_from_dir
() {
761 [ -n "$2" ] ||
set -- "$1" "$(pwd -P)"
762 [ -d "$2" ] ||
return 1
765 # Simple case that does not need any fancy footwork
766 _projpart
769 _absrr
="$(cd "$cfg_reporoot" && pwd -P)"
770 _abspd
="$(cd "$2" && pwd -P)"
774 _projpart
777 # Must have been reached via a symbolic link
778 # Attempt to translate using the gitdir.list file
779 # If not found use a generic "_external" leader
780 # combined with just the trailing directory name
783 [ -f "$cfg_projlist_cache_dir/gitdir.list" ] &&
784 [ -s "$cfg_projlist_cache_dir/gitdir.list" ]
786 _projpart
="$(LC_ALL=C awk -v fnd="$_abspd" \
787 <"$cfg_projlist_cache_dir/gitdir.list
" \
788 'NF>=2{p=$1; sub(/^[^ \t]+[ \t]+/,"");
789 if ($0 == fnd) {print p ".git
"; exit;}}')" ||
791 if [ -z "$_projpart" ]; then
793 _abspd
794 _projpart
799 case "$_projpart" in *[!/]".git/worktrees/"?
800 _projpart
802 eval "$1="'"$_projpart"'
805 # Returns success if "$1" does not exist or contains only blank lines and comments
806 # The parsing rules are in Git's sha1-file.c parse_alt_odb_entry function;
807 # the format for blank lines and comments has been the same since Git v0.99.5
808 is_empty_alternates_file
() {
809 [ -n "$1" ] ||
return 0
810 [ -e "$1" ] && [ -f "$1" ] && [ -s "$1" ] ||
return 0
811 [ -r "$1" ] ||
return 1
812 LC_ALL
awk <"$1" '!/^$/ && !/^#/ {exit 1}'
815 # Return success if the given project name has at least one immediate child fork
816 # that has a non-empty alternates file
817 has_forks_with_alternates
() {
819 [ -n "$_prj" ] ||
return 1
820 [ -d "$cfg_reporoot/$_prj" ] ||
return 1
821 is_git_dir
"$cfg_reporoot/$_prj.git" ||
return 1
823 get_repo_list
"$_prj/[^/:][^/:]*:" |
824 while read -r _prjname
&& [ -n "$_prjname" ]; do
825 is_empty_alternates_file
"$cfg_reporoot/$_prjname.git/objects/info/alternates" ||
826 exit 1 # will only exit implicit subshell created by '|'
834 # returns empty string and error for empty string otherwise one of
835 # m => normal Git mirror
836 # s => mirror from svn source
837 # d => mirror from darcs source
838 # b => mirror from bzr source
839 # h => mirror from hg source
840 # w => mirror from mediawiki source
841 # f => mirror from other fast-import source
842 # note that if the string is non-empty and none of s, d, b or h match the
843 # return will always be type m regardless of whether it's a valid Git URL
844 get_url_mirror_type
() {
849 svn
://* | svn
://* | svn
://* | svn
+file://* | svn
852 darcs
://* | darcs
://* | darcs
858 hg
://* | hg
://* | hg
+file://* | hg
+ssh://* | hg
871 # returns false for empty string
872 # returns true if the passed in url is a mirror using git fast-import
873 is_gfi_mirror_url
() {
874 [ -n "$1" ] ||
return 1
875 case "$(get_url_mirror_type "$1" 2>/dev/null || :)" in
877 # darcs, bzr, hg and mediawiki mirrors use git fast-import
878 # and so do generic "f" fast-import mirrors
882 # Don't think git-svn currently uses git fast-import
883 # And Git mirrors certainly do not
887 # assume it does not use git fast-import
891 # returns false for empty string
892 # returns true if the passed in url is a mirror using git-svn
893 is_svn_mirror_url
() {
894 [ -n "$1" ] ||
return 1
895 [ "$(get_url_mirror_type "$1" 2>/dev/null || :)" = "s" ]
898 # returns mirror url for gitweb.baseurl of git directory
899 # (GIT_DIR) passed in as the argument (which defaults to "." if omitted)
900 # will fail if the directory does not have .nofetch and gitweb.baseurl
901 # comes back empty -- otherwise .nofetch directories succeed with a "" return
902 # automatically strips any leading "disabled " prefix before returning result
905 # always return empty for non-mirrors
906 ! [ -e "$_gitdir/.nofetch" ] ||
return 0
907 _url
="$(GIT_DIR="$_gitdir" config_get baseurl 2>/dev/null)" ||
909 [ -n "$_url" ] ||
return 1
910 printf '%s\n' "$_url"
914 # returns get_url_mirror_type for gitweb.baseurl of git directory
915 # (GIT_DIR) passed in as the argument (which defaults to "." if omitted)
916 # will fail if the directory does not have .nofetch and gitweb.baseurl
917 # comes back empty -- otherwise .nofetch directories succeed with a "" return
918 # automatically strips any leading "disabled " prefix before testing
920 _url
="$(get_mirror_url "$@
")" ||
return 1
921 [ -n "$_url" ] ||
return 0
922 get_url_mirror_type
925 # returns true if the passed in git dir (defaults to ".") is a mirror using git fast-import
927 _url
="$(get_mirror_url "$@
")" ||
return 1
928 is_gfi_mirror_url
931 # returns true if the passed in git dir (defaults to ".") is a mirror using git-svn
933 _url
="$(get_mirror_url "$@
")" ||
return 1
934 is_svn_mirror_url
937 # current directory must already be set to Git repository
938 # if girocco.headok is already true succeeds without doing anything
939 # if rev-parse --verify HEAD succeeds sets headok=true and succeeds
940 # otherwise tries to set HEAD to a symbolic ref to refs/heads/master
941 # then refs/heads/trunk and finally the first top-level head from
942 # refs/heads/* (i.e. only two slashes in the name) and finally any
943 # existing refs/heads. The first one to succeed wins and sets headok=true
944 # and then a successful exit. Otherwise headok is left unset with a failure exit
945 # We use the girocco.headok flag to make sure we only force a valid HEAD symref
946 # when the repository is being set up -- if the HEAD is later deleted (through
947 # a push or fetch --prune) that's no longer our responsibility to fix
948 check_and_set_head
() {
949 [ "$(git config --bool girocco.headok 2>/dev/null || :)" != "true" ] ||
return 0
950 if git rev-parse
--verify --quiet HEAD
; then
951 git config
--bool girocco.headok true
954 for _hr
in refs
/master refs
/main refs
; do
955 if git rev-parse
--verify --quiet "$_hr" >/dev
; then
956 _update_head_symref
960 git for-each-ref
--format="%(refname)" refs
/null |
961 while read -r _hr
; do
962 case "${_hr#refs/heads/}" in */*) :;; *)
963 _update_head_symref
964 exit 1 # exit subshell created by "|"
967 _hr
="$(git for-each-ref --format="%(refname
)" refs/heads 2>/dev/null | head -n 1)" ||
968 if [ -n "$_hr" ]; then
969 _update_head_symref
974 _update_head_symref
() {
975 git symbolic-ref HEAD
976 git config
--bool girocco.headok true
977 ! [ -d htmlcache
] ||
{ >htmlcache
; } 2>/dev
/null ||
980 # current directory must already be set to Git repository
981 # if the directory needs to have gc run and .needsgc is not already set
982 # then .needsgc will be set triggering a "mini" gc at the next opportunity
983 # Girocco shouldn't generate any loose objects but we check for that anyway
984 check_and_set_needsgc
() {
985 # If there's a .needspack file and ANY loose objects with a newer timestamp
986 # then also set .needsgc otherwise remove it. The only caller that may set
987 # .needspack is a mirror therefore we don't have to worry about removing a
988 # .needspack out from under a simultaneous creator. We always do this and
989 # do it first to try and avoid leaving a stale .needspack lying around.
990 if [ -e .needspack
]; then
992 _objfiles
="$(( $(find -L objects/$octet -maxdepth 1 -newer .needspack -name "$octet19*" -type f -print 2>/dev/null |
993 head -n 1 | LC_ALL=C wc -l) +0 ))"
994 if [ "${_objfiles:-0}" = "0" ]; then
997 [ -e .needsgc
] ||
1000 ! [ -e .needsgc
] ||
return 0
1002 { _packs
="$(list_packs --quiet --count --exclude-no-idx --exclude-keep objects/pack || :)" ||
:; } 2>/dev
1003 if [ "${_packs:-0}" -ge 20 ]; then
1008 { _logfiles
="$(($(find -L reflogs -maxdepth 1 -type f -print | wc -l || :)+0))" ||
:; } 2>/dev
1009 if [ "${_logfiles:-0}" -ge 50 ]; then
1013 # Truly git gc only checks the number of objects in the objects/17 directory
1014 # We check for -ge 10 which should make the probability of having more than
1015 # 5120 (20*256) loose objects present when there are less than 10 in
1016 # objects/17 vanishingly small (20 is the threshold we use for pack files)
1018 ! [ -d objects
/17 ] ||
1019 { _objfiles
="$(($(find -L objects/17 -type f -name "$octet19*" -print | wc -l || :)+0))" ||
:; } 2>/dev
1020 if [ "${_objfiles:-0}" -ge 10 ]; then
1026 # current directory must already be set to Git repository
1027 # remove any existing stale .lock files anywhere in the refs hierarchy
1028 # mirror .lock files are considered "stale" after 60m whereas push projects
1029 # need 12h for a .lock file to be considered stale.
1030 clear_stale_ref_locks
() {
1031 # Quick sanity check just in case
1032 [ -f HEAD
] && [ -s HEAD
] && [ -d objects
] && [ -d refs
] ||
return 1
1034 [ ! -e .nofetch
] || _stale
1035 # Clear any stale top-level ref locks
1036 find .
-maxdepth 1 -name '*?.lock' -type f
-mmin +$_stale -exec rm -f '{}' + >/dev
2>&1 ||
1037 if [ -d worktrees
]; then
1038 # Clear any worktrees stale top-level ref locks
1039 find -H worktrees
-mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -name '*?.lock' -type f
-mmin +$_stale -exec rm -f '{}' + >/dev
2>&1 ||
1041 # Clear any stale ref locks within the refs hierarchy itself
1042 find -H refs
-mindepth 1 -name '*?.lock' -type f
-mmin +$_stale -exec rm -f '{}' + >/dev
2>&1 ||
1046 # A well-known UTF-8 locale is required for some of the fast-import providers
1047 # in order to avoid mangling characters. Ideally we could use "POSIX.UTF-8"
1048 # but that is not reliably UTF-8 but rather usually US-ASCII.
1049 # We parse the output of `locale -a` and select a suitable UTF-8 locale at
1050 # install time and store that in $var_utf8_locale if one is found.
1051 # If we cannot find one in the `locale -a` output then we just use a well-known
1052 # UTF-8 locale and hope for the best. We set LC_ALL to our choice and export
1053 # it. We only set this temporarily when running the fast-import providers.
1055 LC_ALL
1059 # hg-fast-export | git fast-import with error handling in current directory GIT_DIR
1062 _python
1063 rm -f hg2git-marks.old hg2git-marks.new
1064 if [ -f hg2git-marks
] && [ -s hg2git-marks
]; then
1065 LC_ALL
sed 's/^:\([^ ][^ ]*\) \([^ ][^ ]*\)$/\2 \1/' <hg2git-marks |
1066 if [ -n "$var_have_git_185" ]; then
1067 git cat-file
--batch-check=':%(rest) %(objectname)'
1069 LC_ALL
sed 's/^\([^ ][^ ]*\) \([^ ][^ ]*\)$/:\2 \1/'
1071 } | LC_ALL
sed '/ missing$/d' >hg2git-marks.old
1072 if [ -n "$var_have_git_171" ] &&
1073 git rev-parse
--quiet --verify refs
; then
1074 if [ -z "$var_have_git_185" ] ||
1075 ! LC_ALL
cmp -s hg2git-marks hg2git-marks.old
; then
1076 _nm
1081 export GIT_AUTHOR_NAME
1083 export GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL
1085 git notes
/hg prune
1086 unset GIT_AUTHOR_NAME
1098 { read -r _err1 ||
:; read -r _err2 ||
:; } <<-EOT
1100 exec 4>&3 3>&1 1>&4 4>&-
1103 _af="$(git config hg.authorsfile)" || :
1104 _cmd='GIT_DIR="$(pwd)" "$_python" "$cfg_basedir/bin/hg-fast-export.py" \
1105 --repo "$(pwd)/repo.hg" \
1106 --marks "$(pwd)/hg2git-marks.old" \
1107 --mapping "$(pwd)/hg2git-mapping" \
1108 --heads "$(pwd)/hg2git-heads" \
1109 --status "$(pwd)/hg2git-state" \
1110 -U unknown --force --flatten --hg-hash'
1111 [ -z "$_af" ] || _cmd="$_cmd"' --authors "$_af"'
1112 eval "$_cmd" 3>&- || _e1=$?
1117 git_ulimit fast-import \
1118 --import-marks="$(pwd)/hg2git-marks.old" \
1119 --export-marks="$(pwd)/hg2git-marks.new" \
1120 --export-pack-edges="$(pwd)/gfi-packs" \
1121 --force 3>&- || _e2=$?
1127 [ "$_err1" = 0 ] && [ "$_err2" = 0 ] ||
return 1
1128 mv -f hg2git-marks.new hg2git-marks
1129 rm -f hg2git-marks.old
1130 git for-each-ref
--format='%(refname) %(objectname)' refs
/heads |
1131 LC_ALL
sed -e 's,^refs/heads/,:,' >hg2git-heads