jailsetup.sh: ensure safe.directory=* when running git
[girocco.git] / Girocco / ExecUtil.pm
1 # Girocco::ExecUtil.pm -- utility to assist with re-exec'ing oneself
2 # Copyright (C) 2016 Kyle J. McKay. All rights reserved.
4 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
6 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
7 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 # GNU General Public License for more details.
14 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 # along with this program; if not, download a copy from
16 # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
17 # or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
18 # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
20 package Girocco::ExecUtil;
22 use strict;
23 use warnings;
24 use Cwd;
25 use POSIX qw(_exit);
26 use File::Spec ();
28 use base qw(Exporter);
29 use vars qw(@EXPORT @EXPORT_OK $VERSION);
31 BEGIN {
32 @EXPORT = qw(daemon);
33 @EXPORT_OK = qw();
34 *VERSION = \'1.0';
37 sub new {
38 my $class = shift || __PACKAGE__;
39 $class = ref($class) if ref($class);
40 my $program = shift;
41 defined($program) or $program = $0;
42 $program = $1 if $program =~ m|^(/.+)$|;
43 my $argv0 = shift;
44 $argv0 = $1 if defined($argv0) && $argv0 =~ /^(.+)$/;
45 defined($argv0) or $argv0 = $program;
46 my $self = {};
47 %{$self->{ENV}} = %ENV;
48 $self->{program} = $program;
49 $self->{argv0} = $argv0;
50 @{$self->{ARGV}} = ();
51 m|^(.*)$|s && push(@{$self->{ARGV}}, $1) foreach @ARGV;
52 $self->{cwd} = getcwd;
53 -d $self->{cwd} or die __PACKAGE__ . "::new: fatal: unable to getcwd\n";
54 $self->{cwd} = $1 if $self->{cwd} =~ m|^(/.*)$|;
55 return bless $self, $class;
58 # similar to exec except forks first and then _exit(0)'s on success
59 # if first arg is CODE ref, call that after successful fork and exec
60 # if first arg is HASH ref, cleanup member may be CODE ref, samepid boolean
61 # means reexec in this pid with cleanup in other pid
62 # cleanup routine receives 2 args, $oldpid, $newpid which will be same if
63 # samepid option set
64 # first arg is program second and following are argv[0], argv[1], ...
65 sub _forkexec {
66 my $opts = {};
67 if (ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH') {
68 $opts = shift;
69 } elsif (ref($_[0]) eq 'CODE') {
70 $opts = { cleanup => shift };
72 my $program = shift;
73 my ($read, $write, $read2, $write2);
74 my $oldpid = $$;
75 my $needfork = !$opts->{samepid} || ref($opts->{cleanup}) eq 'CODE';
76 pipe($read, $write) or return undef if $needfork;
77 select((select($write),$|=1)[0]) if $needfork;
78 my $oldsigchld = $SIG{'CHLD'};
79 defined($oldsigchld) or $oldsigchld = sub {};
80 if ($needfork && $opts->{samepid} && !pipe($read2, $write2)) {
81 local $!;
82 close $write;
83 close $read;
84 return undef;
86 select((select($write2),$|=1)[0]) if $needfork && $opts->{samepid};
87 $SIG{'CHLD'} = sub {} if $needfork;
88 my $retries = 3;
89 my $child;
90 while ($needfork && !defined($child) && $retries--) {
91 $child = fork;
92 sleep 1 unless defined($child) || !$retries;
94 if ($needfork && !defined($child)) {
95 local $!;
96 if ($needfork) {
97 close $write;
98 close $read;
99 if ($opts->{samepid}) {
100 close $write2;
101 close $read2;
104 $SIG{'CHLD'} = $oldsigchld;
105 return undef;
107 if ($needfork && $opts->{samepid}) {
108 # child must fork again and the parent get reaped by $$
109 if (!$child) {
110 close $read2;
111 my $retries2 = 3;
112 my $child2;
113 while (!defined($child2) && $retries2--) {
114 $child2 = fork;
115 sleep 1 unless defined($child2) || !$retries2;
117 if (!defined($child2)) {
118 my $ec = 0 + $!;
119 $ec = 255 unless $ec;
120 print $write2 ":$ec";
121 close $write2;
122 _exit 127;
124 if ($child2) {
125 # pass new child pid up to parent and exit
126 print $write2 $child2;
127 close $write2;
128 _exit 0;
129 } else {
130 # this is the grandchild
131 close $write2;
133 } else {
134 close $write2;
135 my $result = <$read2>;
136 close $read2;
137 chomp $result if defined($result);
138 if (!defined($result) || $result !~ /^:?\d+$/) {
139 # something's wrong with the child -- kill it
140 kill(9, $child) && waitpid($child, 0);
141 my $oldsigpipe = $SIG{'PIPE'};
142 # make sure the grandchild, if any,
143 # doesn't run the success proc
144 $SIG{'PIPE'} = sub {};
145 print $write 1;
146 close $write;
147 close $read;
148 $SIG{'PIPE'} = defined($oldsigpipe) ?
149 $oldsigpipe : 'DEFAULT';
150 $! = 255;
151 $SIG{'CHLD'} = $oldsigchld;
152 return undef;
154 if ($result =~ /^:(\d+)$/) {
155 # fork failed in child, there is no grandchild
156 my $ec = $1;
157 waitpid($child, 0);
158 close $write;
159 close $read;
160 $! = $ec;
161 $SIG{'CHLD'} = $oldsigchld;
162 return undef;
164 # reap the child and set $child to grandchild's pid
165 waitpid($child, 0);
166 $child = $result;
169 if (!$opts->{samepid}) {
170 if (!$child) {
171 # child
172 close $read;
173 { exec({$program} @_) };
174 my $ec = 0 + $!;
175 $ec = 255 unless $ec;
176 print $write $ec;
177 close $write;
178 _exit 127;
180 close $write;
181 my $result = <$read>;
182 close $read;
183 chomp $result if defined($result);
184 waitpid($child, 0);
185 if (defined($result) && $result != 0) {
186 $! = $result;
187 $SIG{'CHLD'} = $oldsigchld;
188 return undef;
190 &{$opts->{cleanup}}($oldpid, $child)
191 if ref($opts->{cleanup}) eq 'CODE';
192 _exit 0;
193 } else {
194 if ($needfork && !$child) {
195 # grandchild
196 close $write;
197 my $result = <$read>;
198 close $read;
199 chomp $result if defined($result);
200 _exit 127 if $result && $result != 0;
201 &{$opts->{cleanup}}($oldpid, $oldpid);
202 _exit 0;
204 close $read if $needfork;
205 my $result;
206 { $result = exec({$program} @_) };
207 my $ec = 0 + $!;
208 $ec = 255 unless $ec;
209 print $write $ec if $needfork;
210 close $write if $needfork;
211 $SIG{'CHLD'} = $oldsigchld;
212 return $result;
216 sub reexec {
217 my $self = shift;
218 my $opts = {};
219 $opts->{cleanup} = shift if ref($_[0]) eq 'CODE';
220 $opts->{samepid} = shift;
221 ref($self->{ENV}) eq 'HASH' &&
222 defined($self->{program}) &&
223 defined($self->{argv0}) &&
224 ref($self->{ARGV}) eq 'ARRAY' &&
225 defined($self->{cwd}) or die __PACKAGE__ . "::reexec: fatal: invalid instance\n";
226 my %envsave = %ENV;
227 my $cwdsave = eval { no warnings; getcwd; };
228 $cwdsave = $1 if defined($cwdsave) && $cwdsave =~ m|^(/.*)$|;
229 my $result = chdir($self->{cwd});
230 return $result unless $result;
231 %ENV = %{$self->{ENV}};
232 $result = _forkexec($opts, $self->{program}, $self->{argv0}, @{$self->{ARGV}});
233 %ENV = %envsave;
234 chdir($cwdsave) if defined($cwdsave);
235 return $result;
238 sub getenv {
239 my $self = shift;
240 my $result = undef;
241 if (exists($self->{ENV}->{$_[0]})) {
242 $result = $self->{ENV}->{$_[0]};
243 defined($result) or $result = "";
245 $result;
248 sub setenv {
249 my $self = shift;
250 my ($k, $v) = @_;
251 if (defined($v)) {
252 $self->{ENV}->{$k} = $v;
253 } else {
254 delete $self->{ENV}->{$k};
258 sub delenv {
259 my $self = shift;
260 $self->setenv($_[0], undef);
263 sub daemon {
264 use POSIX qw(_exit setpgid setsid dup2 :fcntl_h);
265 my ($nochdir, $noclose) = @_;
266 my $devnull = File::Spec->devnull unless $noclose;
267 my $oldsigchld = $SIG{'CHLD'};
268 defined($oldsigchld) or $oldsigchld = sub {};
269 my ($read, $write, $read2, $write2);
270 pipe($read, $write) or return 0;
271 select((select($write),$|=1)[0]);
272 if (!pipe($read2, $write2)) {
273 local $!;
274 close $write;
275 close $read;
276 return 0;
278 select((select($write2),$|=1)[0]);
279 $SIG{'CHLD'} = sub {};
280 my $retries = 3;
281 my $child;
282 while (!defined($child) && $retries--) {
283 $child = fork;
284 sleep 1 unless defined($child) || !$retries;
286 if (!defined($child)) {
287 local $!;
288 close $write2;
289 close $read2;
290 close $write;
291 close $read;
292 $SIG{'CHLD'} = $oldsigchld;
293 return 0;
295 # double fork the child
296 if (!$child) {
297 close $read2;
298 my $retries2 = 3;
299 my $child2;
300 while (!defined($child2) && $retries2--) {
301 $child2 = fork;
302 sleep 1 unless defined($child2) || !$retries2;
304 if (!defined($child2)) {
305 my $ec = 0 + $!;
306 $ec = 255 unless $ec;
307 print $write2 ":$ec";
308 close $write2;
309 _exit 127;
311 if ($child2) {
312 # pass new child pid up to parent and exit
313 print $write2 $child2;
314 close $write2;
315 _exit 0;
316 } else {
317 # this is the grandchild
318 close $write2;
320 } else {
321 close $write2;
322 my $result = <$read2>;
323 close $read2;
324 chomp $result if defined($result);
325 if (!defined($result) || $result !~ /^:?\d+$/) {
326 # something's wrong with the child -- kill it
327 kill(9, $child) && waitpid($child, 0);
328 $! = 255;
329 $SIG{'CHLD'} = $oldsigchld;
330 return 0;
332 if ($result =~ /^:(\d+)$/) {
333 # fork failed in child, there is no grandchild
334 my $ec = $1;
335 waitpid($child, 0);
336 close $write;
337 close $read;
338 $! = $ec;
339 $SIG{'CHLD'} = $oldsigchld;
340 return 0;
342 # reap the child and set $child to grandchild's pid
343 waitpid($child, 0);
344 $child = $result;
346 if (!$child) {
347 # grandchild that actually becomes the daemon
348 close $read;
349 my $exitfail = sub {
350 my $ec = 0 + $!;
351 print $write $ec;
352 close $write;
353 _exit 255;
355 &$exitfail unless ($nochdir || chdir("/"));
356 unless ($noclose) {
357 my ($ufd, $wrfd);
358 defined($ufd = POSIX::open($devnull, O_RDWR)) or &$exitfail;
359 defined(dup2($ufd, 0)) or &$exitfail unless $ufd == 0;
360 defined(dup2($ufd, 1)) or &$exitfail unless $ufd == 1;
361 defined(dup2($ufd, 2)) or &$exitfail unless $ufd == 2;
362 POSIX::close($ufd) or &$exitfail unless $ufd == 0 || $ufd == 1 || $ufd == 2;
364 &$exitfail unless POSIX::setsid || $$ == POSIX::getpgrp;
365 &$exitfail unless POSIX::setpgid(0, $$) || $$ == POSIX::getpgrp;
366 close $write;
367 $SIG{'CHLD'} = $oldsigchld;
368 return 1; # success we are now the daemon
370 close $write;
371 my $result = <$read>;
372 close $read;
373 chomp $result if defined $result;
374 $SIG{'CHLD'} = $oldsigchld;
375 _exit(0) unless $result;
376 $! = $result;
377 return 0; # daemon attempt failed
382 __END__
384 =head1 NAME
386 Girocco::ExecUtil - Re-execution utility
388 =head1 SYNOPSIS
390 use Girocco::ExecUtil;
392 my $exec_state = Girocco::ExecUtil->new;
393 daemon or die "daemon failed: $!";
394 # do some stuff and run for a while
395 $exec_state->reexec;
397 =head1 DESCRIPTION
399 This module provides a re-exec function for long-running processes that
400 may want to re-start themselves at a later point in time if they have been
401 updated. As a convenience, it also includes a daemon function to assist with
402 running processes in the background,
404 The C<Girocco::ExecUtil> instance records various information about the current
405 state of the process when it's called (C<@ARGV>, C<%ENV>, current working directory,
406 C<$0> process name) for subsequent use by the C<reexec> function.
408 When the C<reexec> function is called, it restores C<%ENV> and the current working
409 directory to the previously saved state and then C<exec>'s the previously saved
410 C<$0> using the previously saved C<@ARGV> in a new process and C<_exit>'s the
411 old one.
413 The following functions are provided:
415 =over 4
417 =item daemon(I<nochdir>, I<noclose>)
419 Attempt to become a background daemon by double-forking, redirecting STDIN,
420 STDOUT and STDERR to C</dev/null>, doing C<chdir> to C</> and then calling
421 setsid and setpgid. Returns true on success in which case the original process
422 has been C<_exit(0)>'d. Otherwise C<$!> contains the failure and STDIN,
423 STDOUT, STDERR and the cwd are unchanged on return.
425 If I<nochdir> is true then the C<chdir> is skipped. If I<noclose>
426 is true then STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR are left unchanged. Note that when
427 STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR are redirected (i.e. I<noclose> is false), it is the
428 underlying file handles 0, 1 and 2 that are modified -- if the Perl filehandles
429 are pointing somewhere else (such as being C<tied>) they will be unaffected.
431 =item Girocco::ExecUtil->new
433 =item Girocco::ExecUtil->new(I<program>)
435 =item Girocco::ExecUtil->new(I<program>, I<argv0>)
437 Create and return a new instance recording the current environment (C<%ENV>),
438 program (C<$0>), arguments (C<@ARGV>) and working directory (C<getcwd>) for
439 later use by the reexec function. If I<program> is passed it is used in place
440 of C<$0> for both the program to execute and C<argv[0]>. If I<program> and
441 I<argv0> are passed then I<program> will be executed but passed I<argv0> as its
442 C<argv[0]>.
444 =item $instance->reexec(I<samepid>)
446 =item $instance->reexec(I<coderef>, I<samepid>)
448 Restore the saved environment and current working directory recorded in
449 the instance and then fork and exec the program and arguments recorded in the
450 instance and if successful call I<coderef>, if provided, and then _exit(0).
452 Only returns if the chdir, fork or exec call fails (in which case I<coderef> is
453 NOT called and the current working directory may have been restored to its
454 saved value).
456 Note that I<coderef>, if provided, is called B<after> the successful fork and
457 exec so the newly exec'd process may already be running by then (I<coderef> is
458 B<never> called if the C<reexec> fails). I<coderef> receives two arguments,
459 the first is the old pid (the one calling C<reexec>) and the second is the
460 new pid (the one the C<exec> call runs in).
462 If the I<samepid> argument is omitted or is false (recommended) all behaves as
463 described above. However, if I<samepid> is true then the C<exec> call runs
464 from the current pid and I<coderef>, if present, is called (with both arguments
465 the same) from a double C<fork>'d process to avoid a spurious C<SIGCHLD> (but
466 still I<only> if the C<reexec> succeeds) otherwise (I<samepid> is true but no
467 I<coderef> is present) no fork occurs at all, just the C<exec>. Re-exec'ing
468 oneself (i.e. keeping the same pid) may result in difficult to diagnose
469 failures on systems where some kinds of initialization can only be performed
470 once for any given pid during its lifetime which is why setting I<samepid> to
471 true is not recommended.
473 =item $instance->getenv(I<name>)
475 Return the value of environment variable I<name> saved in the instance or
476 C<undef> if it's not part of the saved environment. If the environment
477 variable I<name> is present in the saved environment then C<undef> will
478 B<never> be returned.
480 =item $instance->setenv(I<name>, I<value>)
482 =item $instance->setenv(I<name>, undef)
484 =item $instance->delenv(I<name>)
486 Set the value of environment variable I<name> saved in the instance. If
487 I<value> is C<undef> or omitted or C<delenv> used then remove the environment
488 variable named I<name> from the environment saved in the instance -- it is
489 no error to remove an environment variable that is not present in the instance.
491 =back
493 =head1 COPYRIGHT
495 Copyright (C) 2016 Kyle J. McKay. All rights reserved.
497 License GPLv2+: GNU General Public License version 2 or later.
498 See comments at top of source file for details.
500 L<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html>
502 This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
503 There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
505 =cut