update-all-config.pl: check private refs area config
[girocco.git] / toolbox / lint-all-readme.pl
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 # lint-all-readme.pl - lint all projects' explicit README files
4 # Copyright (C) 2021 Kyle J. McKay.
5 # All rights reserved.
6 # License GPLv2+: GNU GPL version 2 or later.
7 # www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
8 # This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
9 # There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
11 use strict;
12 use warnings;
13 use vars qw($VERSION);
14 BEGIN {*VERSION = \'1.0.1'}
15 use File::Basename qw(basename);
16 use Cwd qw(realpath);
17 use lib "__BASEDIR__";
18 use Girocco::Config;
19 use Girocco::Util;
20 use Girocco::CLIUtil;
21 use Girocco::Project;
22 my $bn; BEGIN {$bn = basename(__FILE__)}
24 exit(&main(@ARGV)||0);
26 our $help;
27 BEGIN {$help = <<'HELP'}
28 Usage: %s [--help] [--dry-run] [<projname>]...
29 --help show this help
30 --dry-run show projects that need updating but don't update them
31 -P/--progress show progress on STDERR (default if STDERR is a tty)
32 -q/--quiet suppress warning messages
34 <projname>... if given, only operate on these projects
36 Exit status will always be non-zero if any readme files fail to lint.
39 sub lint_project_readmes {
40 my $dryrun = shift;
41 my $show_progress = shift;
42 my $quiet = shift;
43 my %allprojs = map({$_ => 1} Girocco::Project::get_full_list());
44 my @projs = ();
45 if (@_) {
46 my $root = $Girocco::Config::reporoot;
47 $root =~ s,/+$,,;
48 $root ne "" or $root = "/";
49 $root = realpath($root);
50 $root = $1 if $root =~ m|^(/.+)$|;
51 my %seen = ();
52 foreach (@_) {
53 exists($seen{$_}) and next;
54 if (!exists($allprojs{$_})) {
55 s,/+$,,;
56 $_ ne "" or $_ = "/";
57 -d $_ and $_ = realpath($_);
58 s,^\Q$root\E/,,;
59 s,^/+,,;
60 $_ = $1 if $_ =~ m|^(.+)$|;
61 s,\.git$,,;
62 exists($seen{$_}) and next;
63 if (!exists($allprojs{$_})) {
64 $seen{$_} = 1;
65 warn "$_: unknown to Girocco (not in etc/group)\n"
66 unless $quiet;
67 next;
70 $seen{$_} = 1;
71 push(@projs, $_);
73 } else {
74 @projs = sort({lc($a) cmp lc($b) || $a cmp $b} keys(%allprojs));
76 my @outdated = ();
77 my @badlint = ();
78 my $bd = $Girocco::Config::reporoot . '/';
79 my $progress = Girocco::CLIUtil::Progress->new(
80 $show_progress ? scalar(@projs) : 0,
81 "Checking project readme files");
82 my $cnt = 0;
83 foreach (@projs) {
84 ++$cnt;
85 $progress->update($cnt);
86 my $pd = $bd . $_ . '.git';
87 -d $pd or next; # just ignore any phantoms
88 my $proj = undef;
89 eval { $proj = Girocco::Project->load($_); 1; } && $proj or
90 next; # just ignore unloadable projects
91 my $readme = $proj->{README};
92 defined($readme) or $readme = "";
93 chomp($readme);
94 my ($cnt, $err) = $proj->_lint_readme(0);
95 if ($cnt) {
96 push(@badlint, $_);
97 $progress->emit("$_: error: $err");
98 next;
100 my $newreadme = $proj->{README};
101 defined($newreadme) or $newreadme = "";
102 chomp($newreadme);
103 $readme eq $newreadme and next;
104 if ($dryrun) {
105 push(@outdated, $_);
106 $progress->emit("$_: needs update");
107 } else {
108 push(@outdated, $_);
109 $proj->_property_fput("READMEDATA", $proj->{READMEDATA}, 1);
110 $proj->_property_fput("README", $proj->{README}, -e "$pd/README.html");
111 $proj->_property_fput("rmtype", $proj->{rmtype}, 1);
112 $proj->_set_changed;
113 $progress->emit("$_: updated");
116 return {count => scalar(@projs), outdated => \@outdated,
117 badlint => \@badlint};
120 sub dohelp {
121 my $fd = shift;
122 my $ec = shift;
123 printf $fd "%s version %s\n", $bn, $VERSION;
124 printf $fd $help, $bn;
125 exit $ec;
128 sub main {
129 local *ARGV = \@_;
130 my ($quiet, $dryrun, $help);
131 my $progress = -t STDERR;
133 shift, $quiet=1, redo if @ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /^(?:-q|--quiet)$/i;
134 shift, $dryrun=1, redo if @ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /^(?:-n|--dry-run)$/i;
135 shift, $help=1, redo if @ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /^(?:-h|--help)$/i;
136 shift, $progress=1, redo if @ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /^(?:-P|--progress)$/i;
137 shift, $progress=0, redo if @ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /^(?:--no-progress)$/i;
139 $help || (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) and dohelp($help ? \*STDOUT : \*STDERR, !$help);
140 nice_me(18);
141 my $results = lint_project_readmes(!!$dryrun, $progress, $quiet, @ARGV);
142 printf "Total: %d %s: %d Lintfail: %d\n",
143 $results->{count},
144 $dryrun ? "Outdated" : "Updated", scalar(@{$results->{outdated}}),
145 scalar(@{$results->{badlint}});
146 exit @{$results->{badlint}} ? 1 : 0;