From 067e39d8c2d1951910e612880b5cbf34e8c78653 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Kyle J. McKay" <>
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2021 19:27:13 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] taskd/ trim excessively large successful .clonelog

If a successful clone's .clonelog file exceeds 10000 lines, trim
it back to the first 5000 lines plus a comment about how many lines
have been omitted plus the last 5000 lines.

Some very long running clones, especially git-svn clones, can produce
multi-megabyte-sized .clonelog files that are not particularly
useful, especially after a successful clone.

Retaining the first and last 5000 lines of such a log file should
more than suffice for a successful clone.

For a failed clone, the .clonelog file remains untouched.

Signed-off-by: Kyle J. McKay <>
 taskd/ | 35 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 34 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/taskd/ b/taskd/
index 9745687..aba3cb6 100755
--- a/taskd/
+++ b/taskd/
@@ -795,5 +795,38 @@ EOT
 echo "Mirroring finished successfuly!"
 # In case this is a re-mirror, lastgc could have been set already so clear it now
 git config --unset gitweb.lastgc || :
-rm .clone_in_progress
+# Finishing touches to .clonelog
 echo "$sizenote@OVER@"
+# We must now close the .clonelog file that is open on stdout and stderr
+# otherwise it will not be possible to examine it and possibly trim it
+exec >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
+# Trim an overly large successful clone log back down to something less wasteful
+# Keep only 10000 lines (first 5000, last 5000) if there are more than 10003 lines
+# This will limit the .clonelog file to roughly 800KB max (with 80 char average lines)
+loglines=$(LC_ALL=C wc -l <.clonelog) || :
+if [ "${loglines:-0}" -gt 10003 ]; then
+	# Try to be careful and never lose the .clonelog nor fail the
+	# clone at this point no matter what bizarre failures might occur
+	rm -f .clonelogtrim || :
+	if
+		test ! -e .clonelogtrim &&
+		{ >.clonelogtrim; } >/dev/null 2>&1 &&
+		test -f .clonelogtrim
+	then
+		{
+			head -n 5000 .clonelog &&
+			echo "" &&
+			echo "[ ... elided $(( $loglines - 10000 )) middle lines ... ]" &&
+			echo "" &&
+			tail -n 5000 .clonelog
+		} >.clonelogtrim &&
+		mv -f .clonelogtrim .clonelog || :
+		rm -f .clonelogtrim || :
+	fi
+# Clone is no longer in progress
+rm -f .clone_in_progress || :